Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Where do Ilhan Omar's real loyalties lie: Armenian Genocide edition

No credible non-Muslim source doubts that Turkey committed genocide against Christian Armenians between 1914 and 1923.  Even the New York Times agrees that the Ottoman Empire, the predecessor to Turkey, eliminated over 1 million Armenians.

Yet in Turkey today it's a crime to speak out loud the truth.

Which would be of no concern to us except that Democrat Ilhan Omar, you know the virulent antisemite, voted present rather than for a resolution that every other Representative in the House voted for that condemned the Armenian genocide.

Nancy Pelosi won't wag her finger at Omar, the police superintendent of Chicago won't refuse to go where she is, and the #FakeNews media won't point out the obvious; her first loyalty is to Islam.

While Omar is the most extreme the fact that the Democrat party is on record as liking Iran more than Israel even though Israel is a democracy where Muslims can freely exercise their faith and even be elected to political offices while Iran is a theocracy hell bent on exporting Islamic terrorism is scary to reasonable Americans.

It's one thing to not support this or that thing that Israel does but some Democrats have moved beyond that to calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.

If Israel were destroyed we have every reason to believe that there would be a genocidal attack on Jews that live there based on what the Islamic radicals in Iran, Syria, Palestine, and Lebanon have said.

That's why it's scary that Omar is basically coming out and saying that genocide by Muslims of Christians isn't really all that bad.

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