Monday, October 14, 2019

It's not the Babylon Bee: Elizabeth Warren decries mistreatment of Native Americans

Yes that's right fauxahontis Elizabeth Warren is using Columbus day to bash white people for mistreating native Americans.

Given that Warren pretended to be a Native American for decades to steal jobs from real Native Americans this may be a really good example of projection; when someone projects their own failures on others.

What's worse is that we know that Warren knew she was lying.  Not only because she had no evidence but because she's a law professor.  Any law professor would know that in order to claim to be a Native American some tribe, any tribe, must accept you.

No tribe ever accepted Warren.  Yet she continued to tell everyone she was a minority who should benefit from special privileges because her ancestors had been oppressed.

Of course Warren is so white that she could pass for a blank canvas and so whenever she wasn't benefiting from pretending to be a Native American she was the beneficiary of all the White privilege there is in America.

Given that her whole life has been one long mistreatment of indigenous peoples it's clear that her tweet could have come from the Babylon Bee.

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