Monday, October 14, 2019

Democrats want to deny Trump his Constitutional rights

Because the whole Ukraine collusion story is falling apart the Democrats are desperate to not let the "whistleblower"--who will be called "democrat spy" for the rest of this article--testify about his second hand information.

There are strong reasons for the Democrats to keep the spy out of the limelight.

First is the fact that historically lies by Democrats about Republicans have been refuted by research into the person making the claim:

1) Anita Hill's claims about Justice Thomas were critically weakened when it came out that she followed him from job to job even as he was supposedly sexually harassing her.

2) Blasey Ford's claims about Justice Kavanaugh were significantly defused when it turned out that she was a hard core Democrat who hadn't mentioned her claims to anyone until Kavanaugh's name came up as a possible Supreme Court nominee.

By keeping the spy from testifying and from being identified it will keep Republicans from finding out just how biased this person is.

We already know that Democrat Adam Schiff who is leading the impeachment witch-hunt lied about his contacts with the spy and probably helped the spy write up the infamous report.

Similarly we now have strong evidence that the spy had worked with Joe Biden when Biden was VP. How amazingly coincidental that a person who the Intelligence Community Inspector General(ICIG) said had ‘some indicia of an arguable political bias…in favor of a rival political candidate.’ released a factually incorrect rumor based attack on Trump that just happened to clear the spy's hero Joe Biden.

Once we find out who the spy is it's highly likely that we'll find other reasons to doubt the person's honesty.

Second it's pretty clear that whole affair is a conspiracy by Democrats and Swamp dwellers to make up lies about Trump to attempt a coup to undo the 2016 election.  Putting the spy on the witness stand before Congress would give Republicans a chance to force that information out; something that the Democrats and the #FakeNews media can't allow to happen.

Interestingly the excuse that the Democrats are using is an act of projection.  They're saying that they have to keep Trump from cross examining his accuser, as is his Constitutional right, is that exposing the person's identity would put the spy at risk.

First it's Democrats who leak the names of people they don't like in order to destroy them in general not Republicans.

Second the idea that Trump would be able to take any sort of action against such a public figure is absurd.

Third it's Democrats who go after whistleblowers not Republicans.

This is just more proof that Democrats are fascists who eschew the rule of law and their opponents rights if by doing so they can get more power over we the people.

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