Thursday, October 24, 2019

Open Border Harvard loons are attacking the Free Press

Surprise surprise there was an anti-ICE protest at Harvard.  The uber white privileged scions of the East Coast leftists elites were protesting the fact that US law protects Black Americans from unlimited competition from illegal immigrants for jobs.

The Harvard student newspaper, The Crimson--probably named that for all the blood shed by people that Harvard students support like Che and Stalin--, asked ICE for a comment about the protest after it happened.

Then all Hell broke loose.  So far a petition that condemns the Crimson has 650 signatures.

First let's note that the Crimson didn't "rat" on any illegal immigrants at Harvard; all it did was ask ICE for a comment about a protest against ICE.

It's likely that most of the people who have signed the petition condemn Trump's attacks on #FakeNews as attacks on the freedom of the press so they're demand that the Press not even talk to certain people demonstrates an amazing level of hypocrisy.   Or does it?

The reality is that the left in America today doesn't believe in either freedom of speech or a free press.  They declare that any speech they don't like is "hate" speech and that the 1st Amendment doesn't protect "hate" speech. Similarly the left is constantly calling for the censorship of views they don't like in the press and they've even called for an end to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh's radio show.

Hence the attacks on the Crimson aren't hypocritical they're just the left letting its mask down.

When the left says it's tolerant and diverse it's lying.  When it condemns freedom it's telling the truth.

The left has to hate free speech because on a level playing field where facts and logic rule every single leftist policy loses.  Only in darkness and protected by lies, ignorance, and propaganda can the left convince Americans to vote for their policies.

That's why the people at Harvard are desperate to ensure that no one at Harvard hear the truth about ICE and about illegal immigration.

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