Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Is the ICIG is starting a new lie to cover it's attack on Trump?

All the documents that have been released about the liar's claim --they're not a whistleblower-- have stated that they don't have first hand knowledge of anything.

Suddenly the Intelligence Committee Inspector General is saying that the liar said they did have first hand knowledge.

Given that this has been a hot topic in DC for days this belated "revelation" is more likely to be a sign that the ICIG will tell any lie to shoot down Trump or that the ICIG is trying to pretend that it didn't treat rumor and hearsay as first hand evidence.

We have the liar's document and it doesn't cite any first hand evidence and it doesn't even name the sources for the hearsay and rumors it does report.

Even if the liar checked the box that said they did have first hand knowledge even a cursory reading of their manifesto would have shown that that wasn't the case.

Clearly the Swamp is getting concerned that the truth is starting to turn people against this latest Big Lie.

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