Friday, September 18, 2020

While trying to blame "climate change" for wildfires that result from poor Democrat policies Kamala Harris trespasses

Ever since Bill Clinton was President Democrats have pushed policies that lead to the massive wildfires that are ravaging the west coast.

Environmental radicals say that we shouldn't do controlled burns and ambulance chasing lawyers are keen to sue anyone who does a controlled burn on private property.

The result is that when fires start there's a huge amount of kindling and they spread rapidly and are very difficult to contain and fight.

Newsom and Harris have been at the forefront of putting "nature" ahead of humanity.

But now that the consequences of Newsom's actions are becoming obvious he's trying to blame it on climate change.

California didn't have these wildfires during previous droughts and currently California isn't having a drought so it's not due to a lack of rain caused by climate change.

Even the climate alarmists admit that the earth has only warmed up by a fraction of a degree since we didn't have these out of control fires.

Forest management experts say that Newsom's policies are wrong and bad for forests. So Newsom is going against "settled science".

What's really offensive though is that Newsom and Harris used a family's burned to the ground home as a photo op to sell their big lie and they didn't ask the home owners for permission.

The first time that the homeowners saw that their home was completely gone was in the photos that those two Democrat politicians released.

Now that's selfish.

Democrat politicians always talk about how they're for the little guy but their actions show that all they care about is themselves and the power they're eager to get.


Anonymous said...

trespassing? on the burned out remains of a neighborhood while surveying the damage as an elected official for that area? is this serious? Did the firefighters also trespass? California law requires you to be interfering with property rights for it to be trespassing. The property is burned down and she was just surveying it. This is an insane claim. Things are so burned that it's not even clear where the property lines would be.

I'd read your fox news source but yet again you failed to correctly link to it. I can teach you how to blog if you need help.

Most importantly though, Trump did the exact same thing just a few weeks ago in Kenosha. Politicians surveying damage is common and part of their job.

trinko said...

It's interesting to see that you confuse Newsom campaigning with him doing his job.

Firefighters are performing a service; Newson was only helping himself.

Trump surveyed public damage and no property owner found out about the damage to the property due to Trump.

Thanks for the info on the link. Something strange was going on since I redid the link with the exact same URL and now it works.

Anonymous said...

> It's interesting to see that you confuse Newsom campaigning with him doing his job.

Newsom isn't even up for election this year. Did you not know that? He was there in his capacity as governor.

> Trump surveyed public damage and no property owner found out about the damage to the property due to Trump.

was that him doing his job? or campaigning? how can you tell? who paid for his airfare out there?

> Trump surveyed public damage and no property owner found out about the damage to the property due to Trump.

So? What does this have to do with trespassing...