Sunday, September 6, 2020

Critical Race Theory: All whites are racists but it's not racist to say that

 If anyone dared to say that all Blacks were racists they'd be condemned and rightly so.

But the central concept of critical race theory and white privilege is that all white people have special advantages and are basically racist.

So Barrack Obama is discriminated against but recent dirt poor white immigrants from Ukraine are not.

The reality is that for decades whites and asians have been discriminated against based on their race.

If two equally qualified people apply for a job the Black one is more likely to get the job because the county gets benefits for hiring him.

It's too bad that Democrats reject the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr's message that we should judge people on the content of their character not the color of their skin.


Anonymous said...

> If two equally qualified people apply for a job the Black one is more likely to get the job because the county gets benefits for hiring him.

Uh, citation? Many studies have shown systematic bias against Blacks (and women and latinos) in the hiring process. Equally qualified Blacks are systematically passed over.

trinko said...

Source for your claim?

Having worked in real businesses I know that we liked to hire minorities

Anonymous said...

> Source for your claim?

This is extremely well studied. Here's one reference find the rest yourself:

>Having worked in real businesses I know that we liked to hire minorities

I too have been on many hiring committees? Implicit bias is subtle but real.