Friday, September 18, 2020

Joe Biden doesn't know that Trump talked about the China virus in the State of the Union speech

Joe Biden attacked Trump's response to the China virus.  Joe said that if Trump had just stood up and said we have a problem in the State of the Union speech, you know the one Nancy Pelosi tore up, things would have been better.

Only problem is that Trump did just that:

More importantly we need to remember that on 1/31/2020 Trump put a travel ban on China to slow or hopefully stop the spread of the disease.  Joe Biden's response to that travel ban was "xenophobic"

The President delivered the State of the Union speech on February 4th where he identified the China virus as a serious issue that he was already working on.

That means that Trump was taking the China virus seriously enough 4 days before the State of the Union speech to ban travel while Joe was saying the virus was no problem and that temporarily banning travel to China was a horrible thing to do.

It's clear which Presidential candidate was in fact taking COVID19 seriously.  And it wasn't Joe Biden.

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