Sunday, September 6, 2020

Democrat candidate in Kansas blames his beating his girlfriend on a lack of Medicaid for all

Democrat politicians never seem to want to be held responsible for hurting women.

Bill Clinton told us that his repeated cheating on his wife wasn't a big deal and Democrat politicians agreed with him by saying that Bill's lying under oath to avoid a #MeToo lawsuit wasn't a problem for a President.

In Kansas Aaron Coleman, who's running for a seat in the state House, admitted to being abusive towards his ex-girlfriend but that it wasn't his fault it was a lack of "early childhood education funding" and the absence of "Medicaid for All".

He didn't explain how the millions of other men who don't abuse their girlfriends managed to do so without that government spending.

But then Democrats never take responsibility for their actions.

They urge on rioters and call for violence and then they blame Trump when Antifa and BLM riot.

Like all immature people it's always someone else's fault.

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