Monday, September 14, 2020

What a difference a President makes: With Trump as President Democrats are for "forever" wars

The same Democrats who condemned Bush liberating Iraq supported Obama/Biden's destabilizing of Libya and attacked Trump for not committing the US to an unending ground war in Syria.

Joe Biden voted for the Iraq war and he was VP when Obama turned Libya from a state that voluntarily ended its chemical weapons program and that opposed Islamic terrorism into a hotbed of Islamic terrorism.

During the Bush years all we heard from Democrats was what a war mongering fascist Bush was. 

Yet now with Trump giving peace a chance by doing what Democrats thought was impossible, getting Israel and Arab countries to sign peace treaties, and by using surgical strikes rather than unending war to destroy ISIS Democrats are mad at him for not bogging us down with unending wars.

Instead when Trump refused to open a new forever war in Syria Democrats were upset.

When Trump refused to start a war with NATO ally Turkey to protect the Kurds the Democrats were livid. They warned of the mass slaughter of Kurds.  As usual they were wrong. The Kurds lost control of some small areas but they didn't lose people.

When Trump killed Iranian terrorist mastermind Soleimani who had the blood of hundreds of Americans on his hands Joe Biden and the Democrats objected strenuously.  Odd in that Joe had support Obama's drone attacks on far less significant terrorists.

The reality is that Democrat politicians don't care about America or the lives of American troops only about their political careers and getting more power over we the people.

If war will make them look good they're for it. If war will make them look bad they're against it.

If being against war will let them attack Trump they'll be against war. If being for war will let them attack Trump they'll be for war.

Whether or not their position will lead to the unnecessary deaths of soldiers is irrelevant to Democrat politicians.

Nearly since 2001 Democrats have been calling for getting US troops out of the Middle East. The voices were more strident during the Bush years because Democrat politicians thought that that stance would help them get more power. 

Democrat politicians mostly shut up during the Obama/Biden years and supported Obama's military forays.

Now with Trump withdrawing troops from the Middle East, leaving 3000 in Iraq and 4500 in Afghanistan, the same Democrats politicians who attacked Bush for deploying troops to the Middle East are condemning Trump for removing them.

What the Democrat politicians constantly changing position on sending our young people to die in the Middle East shows that it's their political futures, not what's best for America, that drives Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats foreign policy.


Anonymous said...

yeah trump is such a dove. I mean it's not like Trump vastly escalated the use of Drone strikes above the levels under Obama. Oh he did? Well it's not like he ended the US program on reporting collateral damage of those strikes. Oh he did that too?

Well, it's not like he advocated for assassinations of foreign leaders we have political ties to? Oh, he did that to? Well it's not like he lied about doing that? Oh again? Man. What a dove.

Well at least he held Saudi Arabia to account for killing a prominent critic...oh wait...

> If being against war will let them attack Trump they'll be against war. If being for war will let them attack Trump they'll be for war.

Yeah maybe some military actions are good and some are not? Is that too subtle for you?

Anne C. said...

You must be referring to O'Biden... ��

Anonymous said...

have we always given politicians insulting nicknames? is this Trump's contribution to the political discourse? I don't recall McCain or Romney being called by childish nicknames.