Saturday, September 12, 2020

Democrats dishonest fundraising: Joe Biden and ActBlue edition

 In 2019 with unemployment at 4% nearly half of the donors to left wing Democrat supporting ActBlue were from people who said they were unemployed.

Somehow those unemployed people scrapped up an average of $74, for a total of $346 million, to give to left wing Democrat causes.

Foreigners who want to inject money into the Democrat candidates that they favor, since Democrats care more about other countries than about America, wold not list where they were employed.

Of course the leftists at ActBlue say there's nothing to see there but that's just them lying.

There is a Republican equivalent to ActBlue, WinRed.  This table shows the huge differences in contributions from people without jobs to the various campaigns:

Both Democrat fundraisers have nearly 1/3 of their downers without jobs where as the two Republican fundraisers have around 4%.

Given that we know that China, Iran, and Venezuela support Joe Biden and that according to Democrats foreigners love him it's very unlikely that this discrepancy is due to Democrats getting a lot more support from retirees--who tend to vote Trump--and stay at home moms.

This harkens back to a big fund raising fraud by Obama. His web site didn't require the level of information that Republican web sites, and stores, required for credit card contributions and he got millions in tiny untraceable donations as a result.

Democrats will do anything because they think they have the right to rule over you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> it's very unlikely that this discrepancy is due to Democrats getting a lot more support from retirees--who tend to vote Trump--and stay at home moms.

what? you see unemployed people donating and you assume "oh must be retirees and stay at home moms". You know there are other ways to be unemployed right? The US unemployment rate hit 15% earlier this year. The labor force participation rate hit 60%. So a random sample of Americans would get you 40% of donors being unemployed.

Further, people impacted by the economic downturn are likely to blame the incumbent and donate to his opposition. Plus why would anyone donate to Trump? The dude is a billionaire. Surely he can fund his own campaign like Bloomberg did.

Your link to the table is broken. Don't worry I know how to Google though. The worst part of this analysis is thinking that not listing an employer makes the donation more suspicious. Listing an employer does not make the contribution suddenly traceable. You can put anything you want into that box. Nobody attempts to verify that information.

I could go on. What a garbage article.