Thursday, September 3, 2020

The "Red Mirage": Democrats plan to steal the election

It took a huge change in the polling to force the Democrats to let Biden out of his basement.

True he didn't take questions and even when reading from the teleprompter he manages to say the following:

“COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 years. Look, here’s, the lives, it’s just, it’s uh mean think about it. More lives this year than any other year for the past 100 years.”

The point is that Democrat politicians might be dishonest fascists but they're not stupid.

They know that the odds of Biden winning are dropping like a rock as people discover that he's supporting Bernie's radical agenda and that Joe's mental faculties are on the decline.

That's why they're implementing a massive and brazen program of voter fraud.

The latest about their plan was the reveal of the "Red Mirage".  Democrat analysts are saying that on election day Trump could have over 400 electoral votes to Joe's 130 but that in several weeks that would flip due to late counting of ballots.

The "Red Mirage" is the map of the US with pretty much every state going for Trump on election day even though, according to Democrats, the mail in votes will be so strongly Democrat that the whole map will flip within a few weeks.

Of course that's clearly saying that the Democrats will be using some of the millions of ballots they're sending out to people who don't exist, they've moved or died, to steal the election for Biden.

Think about it. Why would mail in votes trend so much more towards Biden than Trump?

In fact you'd expect the opposite since older voters, who tend to vote Republican, are the ones who actually have a reason to stay away from the polls. We know that Democrat polling shows that the elder aren't going for Joe because Joe has suddenly started lying about Trump wanting to end Social Security.

What the Democrats are saying is that their polls show that Trump will win biggly.  They can't allow that, since they're fascists, so they're trying to convince everyone early that the actual election results won't matter; what matters is all the hanging chads etc that dishonest Democrats will come up with in the weeks, months, years after the election.

The hardest part of voter fraud is figuring out how many fake ballots should be produced.  Too many and the fact that there was fraud is obvious. Too few and your candidate might not win.

The Democrats figured out how to get around that problem back in the 1960 election.

Back then all of Illinois was Republican except for Chicago.  On election night precincts all over Illinois, except for Chicago, reported their results.  When almost all of the Republican precincts had reported suddenly Chicago precincts produced just enough votes to win the state for Kennedy.

This then is the current Democrat game plan
  • Send out millions of ballots to people who don't exist
  • Sue to prevent states from comparing signatures on ballots to signatures on record
  • Pass laws, as in Nevada, so that ballots don't have to be signed
  • See how many votes Trump gets in swing states and then fabricate enough ballots to win
  • Declare that if Trump points out the obvious fraud that he's refusing to accept the election results
  • If Trump goes to court Democrats will attempt a coup by saying that if the court case isn't resolved by  January Pelosi becomes President
This is all justified in the minds of Democrat politicians by their deeply held belief that they're better than Trump and they're better than us; that they have the right to rule over us not the responsibility to represent us.


Anonymous said...

After reading this I'm worried about your mental stability. There's too much wrong to even know where to start so i'll just say this.

> Think about it. Why would mail in votes trend so much more towards Biden than Trump? In fact you'd expect the opposite since older voters, who tend to vote Republican, are the ones who actually have a reason to stay away from the polls.

See democrats take the pandemic more seriously (many polls show this). Whether or not they are correct to think so is irrelevant. If many democrats of all ages decide to vote by mail to avoid catching or propagating COVID at the polls then of course the mail-in ballots will skew heavily Democratic. Further, many people who cannot make it to a poll on election day due to work obligations vote by mail (and such people skew Democratic).

Did you put any thought into this conspiracy theory at all? Should I ask your kids about guardianship?

trinko said...

So you don't care that there are millions of ballots being sent to people who don't exist.

You don't care that Democrats are suing states to prevent them from checking the signatures on ballots.

You don't care that Democrats have a long history of voter fraud, including legalizing ballot harvesting.

You don't care that Democrats want to accept ballots posted after election day.

But you somehow know that more democrats will use just one mail in ballot.

Clearly you're cool with Democrats stealing the election

trinko said...

Oh yeah it's always fascists and communists who declare that anyone who disagrees with them is insane so glad to hear you're sticking to the playbook

Anonymous said...

> Oh yeah it's always fascists and communists who declare that anyone who disagrees with them is insane so glad to hear you're sticking to the playbook

Actually my thought was that dementia was more likely. And I believe you have repeatedly suggested Biden is going senile so your argument collapses (unless you and Trump are fascists...).

> You don't care that...

I love how your response is just to ignore what I said and then make a ton of unfounded claims that are unrelated to my comment or to your post. None of what you said supports your conspiracy theory. And none of what you said undermines my simple refutation of a central pillar of your theory. Try harder.