Friday, September 18, 2020

Joe Biden, bought and paid for by China, says that every COVID19 death in America is Trump's fault.


Every single American whose died died because of Trump is the lie that Joe Biden wants you to believe.

A few facts are relevant:

  • Joe Biden condemned Trump's travel ban on China as "xenophobic"
  • Democrat Andrew Cuomo probably killed about 10% of all China virus victims by forcing nursing homes to take in COVID19 patients
  • Dr. Fauci has said that Trump has followed all the guidance that his medical experts have given him
  • Joe Biden has failed to condemn China for covering up the virus or for not taking the recommended steps to stop the pandemic before it started

If Joe Biden had been president he'd have let people from China continue to flow into the US unimpeded. Remember that China allowed international air travel out of Wuhan after it stopped domestic flights out of Wuhan. That means that thousands of potentially infected people returning from Chinese New Years celebrations in Wuhan could have entered the US dramatically increasing the initial spread of the pandemic if Joe had been in charge.

What's interesting is that there is no way known to man for Trump, or any President, to have prevented all the deaths once the China virus hit our shores.  

Does Joe think that Trump is God?  He may since he's also said that if Trump is reelected that there will be more natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes.

Whats more noxious is that Joe has no ideas on how it could have been done better. It's like blaming FDR for WWII.

Remember it was the medical experts, not Trump, who said that masks wouldn't do any good at the beginning.  Hence depending on which day it is Joe is saying that he can or he can't mandate masks but even if he could now he would have condemned Trump for mandating them when there was a shortage for doctors and the CDC was saying mask wearing wouldn't help.

Also note that Republican run states have done a much better job at keeping COVID19 deaths down than Democrat run states:

Note that Florida and Texas, which the #FakeNews media are always condemning, have nearly 3 times fewer deaths per capita than New York whose Democrat governor, Andrew Cuomo, the #FakeNews media praise.

One more thing.  We know that when Biden was VP and visiting China his son Hunter accompanied him. Shortly after one of those visits the Chinese government gave Hunter, and John Kerry--who was Secretary of State at the time-- son, $1B to invest.  That's going to generate a lot of cash for the Biden family.

Perhaps that's why Joe is always ignoring anything that China does that's bad for America.

Ask your friends who are thinking of voting for Biden if they want a President who will tell any lie to get elected.

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