Friday, September 4, 2020

An Uncle Tom says that Blacks who don't support Democrats aren't really Black

On MSNBC Tiffany D Cross, who's Black, said this about all the Blacks who talked at the RNC convention:

“That was not a Saturday Night Live sketch,” Cross said to start off her piece. After noting that the RNC hosted at least a dozen African American speakers alone, she went on to say "I watched the Republican convention, and seeing the slew of black speakers that they had, it really did look like a modern-day minstrel show to me."

At best she was saying that Blacks like Hershel Walker and Senator Tim Scott were lying and at worst she was saying that they weren't really Black.

In minstrel shows people in blackface were common so her comments could be taken to mean that she agrees with Joe Biden that Blacks who don't support him aren't really Black.

Historically an uncle tom was a Black who supported the Democrats who enslaved Blacks.

Today Blacks like Cross do what the Democrat party says despite the egregious actions of the Democrat party and Joe Biden against Blacks which include:

  • Thousands of Blacks are shot in Democrat run cities each year and the Democrats don't talk about it and they don't do anything to protect Blacks
  • Black women abort at 3 times the rate of white women but Democrats, who complain about every other racial disparity say nothing. Jesse Jackson used to call abortion genocide against Blacks until the white folk who rule the DNC said to stop it
  • The schools in Black neighborhoods in Democrat run cities are horrible but Democrats actively fight any attempt to improve them. Instead they push for higher salaries for the same teachers who are failing Black kids today
  • The rioting has destroyed Black neighborhoods and minority owned businesses but the Democrats have been silent and Democrat mayors have refused to protect their citizens

After decades of Democrat rule in cities like Chicago Blacks are worse off than they were in the 1950s.

Yet Blacks like Cross still defend white Democrats like Joe Biden, who once boasted of the award he received from arch segregationists and Democrat George Wallace, while attacking Trump who is clearly not a racist

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