Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Why "pro-choice" people aren't.

Some abortion advocates will get upset and say pro-lifers are lying when they say that abortion advocates are not "pro-choice" they're pro-abortion.

Here are a few reasons why pro-aborts are pro-aborts not "pro-choice"

Many pro-aborts either approved of or refused to condemn the forced abortion policy of China where women are forced to have abortions whether they want to or not; no choice for the mother.

Many pro-aborts approve of the HHS mandate that requires people who oppose abortion to provide abortion coverage for their employees; no choice for Christians.

Many pro-aborts approve of federal funding for elective abortions; no choice for taxpayers.

Many pro-aborts support sex selection abortions where the unborn girl is killed because her parents want a boy; no choice for girls.

Many pro-aborts support laws and rules that force people in medical school to learn how to perform abortions or participate in abortions; no choice for the doctors.

Many pro-aborts support laws that discriminate against pregnancy centers that don't refer abortions because of their religious beliefs but which provide far more support for pregnant women than Planned Parenthood does; no choice for mothers.

Many pro-aborts oppose laws that require abortion clinics to adhere to the same safety standards as any other medical facility where procedures that could have serious consequences--such as internal bleeding--are performed; no choice for mothers who want a safe facility.

Many pro-aborts support laws that allow underage girls to have abortions without their parents knowledge or a judges consent; no choice for parents.

Many pro-aborts support Planned Parenthood even though it targets minorities; no choice for Blacks and Hispanics.

Many pro-aborts support late term abortions where science shows the unborn feel pain; no choice for a pain free death for the unborn.

Many pro-aborts support abortion for the potentially handicapped; no choice for the differently abled.

Many pro-aborts deny the father any rights in deciding if his daughter will live; no choice for fathers.

Many pro-aborts say abortion is good because without it there'd be more people on welfare; no choice for the poor.

Many pro-aborts attack large families; no choice for loving parents.

All pro-aborts say that the unborn daughter has no say in whether or not she's killed; no choice for children.

In all fairness there are a large number of Americans who think about themselves as being "pro-choice" who don't share these beliefs. These are the vast majority of abortion supporters who think abortion should be in the first trimester for victims of rape or incest not because the mother just doesn't want a kid.  They use the term because the main stream media has been blasting it out loud and clear for over 40 years.

But they're also not the folks who will get upset with you if you say they're pro-abortion.  Instead they'll explain how they want abortion to be safe, legal, and rare and often they'll add that they'd never have an abortion themselves.

The reality however is that the hard core "pro-choice" people, the ones who push for abortion funding and the silencing of any voices that protest against them, are pro-abortion. That's why Obama stopped talking about abortion being "safe, legal, and rare" and instead extolls it as something God should bless.

For those people "pro-choice" is a label designed to hide the reality; being "pro-choice" is nearly always being "have the abortion".


Anonymous said...

>Many pro-aborts support laws that allow underage girls to have abortions without their parents knowledge or a judges consent; no choice for parents.

Uhm, the whole idea is that it's the woman's choice about her body. That's what "pro-choice" means. Do you not get that? If a judge's consent were required then it would be the government's choice. "Pro-choice" people don't just like choices. They don't also want random other people to have a choice in the matter. The entire premise of this post is madness.

Why not add to your list "pro-aborts don't support laws letting judges choose what ice cream flavor they get" or "pro-aborts support laws that prevent cops from choosing to kill random people"? "I thought they liked more choices!".

> Many pro-aborts support Planned Parenthood even though it targets minorities; no choice for Blacks and Hispanics.

Because they are forced to have abortions? What?

> Many pro-aborts attack large families; no choice for loving parents.

What? This is totally unrelated to abortion and I would love you to provide a source.

trinko said...

An underage girl, say 13, isn't a woman and we don't let her make decisions about her health on her own because reasonable people know that she's isn't capable of doing so.

Would you say that a law allowing statutory rape was ok so long as a judge signed off on it?

Pro-choice groups are generally racist and target minorities. That's why they're so eager to kill off babies of color in the 3rd world.

Are you serious? Here's a billboard from a pro-abortion organization in Vancouver calling for small families for Blacks. And Marget Sanger, a hero to the pro-abortion movement said the same thing. How ignorant are you? :)
