Saturday, September 12, 2020

Late term abortions aren't about women's health: Dr. Shannon Carr edition

 Dr. Carr's incompetence led to the death of Keisha Atkins during Carr's execution of Keisha's baby.

Keisha's abortion was at 6 months when her unborn child would have had a good chance of living if they'd been delivered.

According to pro-choice advocates late term abortions like that can only be done to protect women's health. What they never mention is that according to the Supreme Court a woman's health includes her being sad if she can't kill her baby.

The health exception isn't limited to cases where the mother's life is at risk or even when not killing her baby might leave a woman sick for awhile.

But even worse abortionists whose income depends on killing babies are all too willing to rubber stamp a late term abortion.

This came out in Dr. Carr's testimony.

Dr. Carr, prior to killing Keisha and her baby, said that Keisha need the abortion to prevent “substantial and irreversible harm to her physical health, her mental health, her family health, her safety and well being.”

She came to that conclusion after talking to Keisha for 20 minutes and without consulting Keisha's medical records.

Under oath Dr. Carr admitted that there was no basis for her statement that a lack of an abortion would cause irreversible physical harm to Keisha.  When asked for justification for her claim that Keisha would suffer mental health problems Dr. Carr replied:

“That would just be speculation of parenting at a young age as a single mom,”. “Financially not stable; depression; anxiety. That would be speculation as to any forward effects on her mental health.”

Hence under oath Dr. Carr admitted to lying on the medical document justifying Keisha's very late term abortion for "health" reasons.

That's hardly surprising since a late term abortion can cost from $8000 to $15000 or more.  Carr stood to lose a lot of money if she didn't justify executing Keisha's unborn child.

The bottom line is that late term abortions aren't always about medical emergencies.  

In fact a study about the reasons for late term abortions said:

However, while the occasional politician or news reporter will still indicate that late-term abortions are most often performed in the case of “severe fetal anomalies” or to “save the woman’s life,” the trajectory of the peer-reviewed research literature has been obvious for decades: most late-term abortions are elective, done on healthy women with healthy fetuses, and for the same reasons given by women experiencing first trimester abortions. The Guttmacher Institute has provided a number of reports over 2 decades which have identified the reasons why women choose abortion, and they have consistently reported that childbearing would interfere with their education, work, and ability to care for existing dependents; would be a financial burden; and would disrupt partner relationships.3 A more recent Guttmacher study focused on abortion after 20 weeks of gestation and similarly concluded that women seeking late-term abortions were not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment. The study further concluded that late-term abortion seekers were younger and more likely to be unemployed than those seeking earlier abortions.4

It's clear that killing viable unborn babies, those that would have a good chance of surviving if they were delivered rather than hacked to pieces without anesthetic, has the same motivations as does killing younger unborn babies.

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