Thursday, September 17, 2020

Netflix pushes child porn but Planned Parenthood encourages teens to engage in "kinky" sex

Kids having sex is something that Americans used to condemn.  Most Americans do but with Democrats in California saying that 14 year old boys who are in 8th grade can "willingly" have sex with 24 year old men, Netflix and the #FakeNews media defending a movie that shows 11 year old girls twerking, and Planned Parenthood is pushing sex education in kindergarten it's clear that some Americans aren't at all uncomfortable with sexualizing, and sexually exploiting, minors.

Planned Parenthood(PP) says that kindergartners should be talked to about abortion--"your mother didn't want your new little sister so she killed her"--, gender identity--"sure you look like your bum of a father but I know you're really a girl like me", and unplanned pregnancy--"look just because you have sex on a regular basis and don't use contraception that doesn't mean that it's your fault you got pregnant.

I don't know what sort of kindergartners they know but studies have shown that introducing sex to kids who are too young, certainly before puberty, can be psychologically harmful.

And it's going to get worse.  A proposed sex-ed plan from the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the Unite States--which has PP members--teaches kids in kindergarten about masturbation.

PP says that kids should learn about contraceptives no later than 8th grade.  The typical 8th grader is 13 to 14 years old.  Is there any sane responsible adult in America that thinks that 13 year olds should be having sex?  But it fits in with California Democrats saying that a 24 year old man having sex with an 8th grader shouldn't automatically end up on the sex offender list.

In "educational" videos produced by PP teens were told to visit sex shops and porn sites because they were "helpful" and would help them learn about "kinky" sex. Teen girls were told that choking, asphyxiation, and torture sex are normal. Essentially PP is normalizing beating and abusing women.

PP has a whole video series that teaches teens about BDSM--that's wife beating for those of us who aren't perverts.  Clearly any organization that thinks that sadism, enjoying physically hurting someone else, is good and that wanting to be hurt, masochism, is fine is evil to the core.

If someone hurts other people for fun they belong in jail and if someone wants to be hurt they need psychiatric care and protection from predators not encouragement.

Finally PP teaches kids how to hide their sexual activity from their parents just like all child molesters do. PP provides guidance on how to access porn on the family computer and how to get the Pill, which is a very powerful medicine, as well as STD testing without their parents finding out.

What sort of monster teaches kids how to cover up their sexual activity and the health consequences of it?

Well given that PP has been caught teaching underage girls how to let their adult lover, or their pimp, bring them in for an abortion without PP having to report statutory rape it's clear that there is no depth to which PP won't sink to sexually exploit kids.

And it's good business sense. Abortion is PP's cash cow so the more promiscuous kids there are the more money PP rakes in.

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