Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Chris Wallace says presidential corruption isn't a "substantial" subject

 During the debate Trump brought up Biden's blatant corruption; during his time as VP his family got millions from Chinese Communists, Russian Oligarchs, and corrupt Ukrainian businesses.

If there was a similar record for Trump's family during the last 4 years Wallace would have been all over it.

Instead Wallace said:

“We’ve already been through this. I think the American people would rather hear about more substantial subjects. As the moderator, sir, I’m going to make a judgment call here,”

What's more substantial than very credible charges that Joe Biden has set US foreign policy based on his own pocketbook and not what's best for America?

For some reason Hunter Biden traveled with his dad to China when Joe was in charge of US China relations.  When Hunter came home he got $1.5 billion of Chinese government money to invest. That will lead to him making probably $20 million.

Since then Biden has constantly defended China.  When Trump put a travel ban in place to slow the spread of the China Virus Biden attacked Trump.

Biden says that it's in our interest for China to grow stronger economically even as China uses their economic power to build up a military that's being used for imperialistic aggression, like claiming the entire South China Sea.

Biden has opposed Trump's fighting back in China's long running trade war against the US. Did you know that when Biden was VP the average Chinese tariff on US products entering China was 4 times higher than the average US tariff on Chinese products entering the US?  Joe didn't have a problem with that.

Then there's Burisma a corrupt Ukrainian company that paid Hunter millions. Hunter himself has said that the only reason he got that "job" was because of his last name.

In an interview with ABC News Hunter said this in response to whether he thought if he'd gotten the very lucrative Ukraine job if his dad wasn't the Vice President:

“I don’t know. I don’t know. Probably not, in retrospect,” Hunter Biden said, before admitting his family’s political prominence played a large role in all of his dealings. “But that’s—you know—I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden.

Yet the fact that Joe used his position as VP to get the Ukraine prosecutor who was investigating Burisma fired is apparently not, according to Chris Wallace, a "substantial" issue.

What's truly amazing is that Democrats will actually say that because Burisma, the Moscow mayor's wife, and Xi Jinping didn't write checks to Joe their funneling millions into the Biden family couldn't be bribes.

At the very least Biden should be closely questioned about his stinks to high heaven deals.

Joe Biden vilifies a 17 year old for political gain

The New York Times has made a very strong case that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self defense when he shot 3 men after he was attacked by a mob.

We can argue about whether or not he should have been there and about whether or not he was there to help others and protect businesses but there is 0 evidence he went there with the intent of shooting anyone; ie he wasn't anything like the BLM organizer who drove her car into a crowd of Trump supporters.

Another thing there is absolutely no evidence for is that Rittenhouse is a white nationalist or white supremacist.

Keep in mind that the 3 men who Rittenhouse shot, apparently in self defense, were all white.

Yet Joe Biden used Rittenhouse's picture and said Rittenhouse was a white supremacist in one of his ads.

Apparently lying about kids is a price Biden is willing to pay to get elected.

Meanwhile while Trump condemned white supremacists in last night's debate Joe still hasn't condemned BLM or Antifa by name.

Can you trust Biden to protect you when he keeps pretending that Antifa/BLM riots don't exist but non-existent white supremecist riots do exist? 

Joe Biden says he will raise taxes on the middle class and the poor while reducing them for the rich

Joe Biden made it clear in the debate that he will repeal Trump's tax cuts.

That means he'll be raising taxes on the middle class and lowering them on the rich.

Contrary to Democrat lies Trump's tax cuts helped 8 out of 10 Americans.  Households saved, on average, $1400 a year and a couple with two kids saved $2900.

Of course to rich Democrats like Biden who dodged $500,000 in taxes by forming a Subchapter-S corporation a few grand a year might not seem like much but to most Americans it's a big deal.

Hence Joe is saying that he's going to take between a big chunk of what you earn from you so he can spend it how he wants to.

Another key aspect of Trump's tax cuts was to limit the amount of local taxes that people can deduct.

Previously people living in obscenely high tax rate states, which tend to be Democrat run, could deduct every penny that they paid in state taxes. If you're some Silicon Valley millionaire that really cut down on your federal taxes.

It also meant that low tax states, usually Republican, effectively subsidized the high tax states that weren't paying their fair share of Federal taxes.

Trump fixed that in a way that only hurts the uber rich.  He capped the deduction to $10,000.  Most people, even in California, don't pay that much in state taxes so they weren't touched but the rich folk were.

But Joe's going to repeal that which means that the rich will pay less in Federal taxes; ie a tax cut for the rich.

Joe has already said that he's for the Green New Deal before he said he was against it even though his web site says he's for it. But what is clear is that Joe favors phasing out cheap energy sources like natural gas in favor of expensive and unreliable energy sources like wind and solar.

Raising the cost of energy is a highly regressive tax on the poor since the poor spend a higher percentage of their money on energy than do the rich or the middle class.

Hence Joe is also for raising taxes on the poor.

Joe Biden is like Obamacare: We won't know what he stands for until we elect him

 Nancy Pelosi once said that we needed to pass Obamacare to figure out what's in it.

Now Joe Biden is saying he won't tell us if he's for the unconstitutional practice of packing the Supreme Court with judges who will do what the DNC tells them to until after he's elected.

This is truly amazing. Joe's saying that his position would be controversial, ie it would lose him votes, but he won't tell us what it is so that we can intelligently decide if we should vote for him.

Of course Joe's belief that he doesn't have to actually answer to the voters or tell them what he really thinks is nothing new.

He refused to open his Senate archives when he was credibly accused of sexual assault because he said it contained conversations he'd had with foreign leaders which would hurt his election prospects if people could see them.

More recently he's refused to release a list of who he'd consider for the Supreme Court.

This idea that keeping the voters in the dark is ok is based on the fascist tendencies of all modern Federal level Democrat politicians.

We're stupid rubes who wouldn't vote for the "right" candidate if we knew what they would do but since the "right" candidate, inevitably a Democrat, knows better than us how our country should be run it's ok for them to lie to us and conceal what they will do if elected.

The absurdity is clear. Joe's saying that people should vote for him without knowing what he will do as President meaning that he thinks that he should really be coronated not elected since he clearly feels that we the people have no right to know or any control over what he chooses to do; more like a king than a President.

Biden and Harris announce they will support packing the Supreme Court

 We all know that people can say things without actually saying them.

For example a guy asks a girl out and she says sorry but she's washing her hair that night.

The girl didn't say it but the guy knows that she thinks he's a nice guy--she didn't say eww no way I'd ever be around you-- but that she has absolutely no interest in dating him.

The same applies to Joe and Kamala.  

By refusing to say whether or not they support packing the court they're saying that they do.

Here's why.

Court packing has been viewed as a particularly odious and anti-Constitutional concept since FDR first floated it.

Supposedly the Court interprets the Constitution as written so that the number of judges should be irrelevant.

Court packing only works if one packs the Court with judges who don't in fact follow what the law says but who are willing to make up laws, the laws that the people who appointed them can't get Congress to approve.

Most divided Court rulings aren't about two equally valid ways to interpret the Constitution but between honest judges who point to what the Constitution says and dishonest judges who say that the Constitution should say something different.

Take abortion. There is no right to privacy in the Constitution but if there were it would be trumped by the right to life of every human being in America.  But the judges who made abortion legal for any reason at any point in a pregnancy, overturning the laws of all 50 states in the process, decided that abortion should be legal so they made up a story about how the Constitution says something it doesn't.

Biden has said that he's not telling us where he stands on court packing because it would make him the center of controversy.  Which means he knows that most Americans wouldn't like his position.

After all if Biden was against packing the Court and said so he'd undercut a key Trump attack on himself, show that he does believe in the rule of law, and that he's not interested in making the Supreme Court a legislative organization.

The only possible downside would be that the radical leftists in his base would be upset.

Hence either Biden does support packing the Court or he's so afraid of his own base that he'd be likely to go along with packing the Court when they call for it.

Therefore it's pretty clear that Biden supports the idea of putting partisan political hacks on the Supreme Court who will always rule the way Democrats want and continue the practice of the Court imposing on we the people Democrat laws, like redefining sex as gender, which Democrats couldn't get passed by Congress.

What we learned in last nights debate: Some initial thoughts

 Joe Biden can't work well under pressure.  He lost his temper and called Trump names while Trump, arguing against both Wallace and Biden didn't call anyone names.

Joe Biden can be just as verbally nasty as Trump. In fact worse while Biden called Trump names last night Trump didn't call Biden names.

Joe Biden was the first to interrupt. He interrupted Trump before Trump interrupted him. Trump just used the new rule Biden had made.

Joe Biden is 100% for packing the Supreme Court. We know this because if he was against it his position wouldn't be controversial, the practice has been condemned ever since FDR first suggested it, and he said his position would be controversial.

Joe Biden will tell us any lie in order to get elected. His web site says he's for the Green New Deal, he said it was affordable--which means he's for it--but he then said he's not for it.

Joe Biden doesn't care about cops. If he did he'd have known at least one police organization that supported him.

Joe Biden will repeat lies that have been long discredited ranging from the "fine people" lie to the Trump dissed the troops lie.

Joe Biden is, at best, blind to the serious problems created by his son Hunter. By citing his son as an example of the American military Biden insulted the real troops. Hunter got in to the military at a late age because of political intervention--he had no specialized skill--and within a very short time was booted out for drug use.  That's not even remotely representative of the men and women who serve their country in our military.

Even nominally "unbiased" reporters like Wallace are 100% in the Democrat camp and believe all the elite East Coast leftists fantasies ranging from climate change--which Biden calls global warming-- to the idea that white nationalists are causing the riots not Antifa and BLM.

Joe Biden would have been destroyed if Wallace hadn't intervened and saved him on multiple occasions; is Biden going to bring Wallace along when he meets with Putin?

Joe Biden's idea of Presidential is for Republicans to stand by and nod politely while Democrats lie about them.

Joe Biden had no answer for why he'll now be able to fix problems that he's failed to fix in the last 47 years he's been in government.

Joe Biden believes he has no obligation to tell us what he will do as President; which is why he felt comfortable refusing to admit that he will support packing the Supreme Court.

Joe Biden looks and acts old and weak.  Hardly the attributes we need in a President. Unless of course the idea is to elect him and then have him resign so we have President Harris.

Joe Biden will lie to us about what he'll do in order to get elected. He said he'd never said he'd end fracking but he's on tape saying that he wants to end fracking. 

The #FakeNewsMedia will never fact check Joe and they won't even demand he say what his position is on issues where declaring his position would hurt him.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Charlottesville that the Media won't tell you about: BLM organizer plows car into Trump supporters

 At Charlottesville where Antifa and white nationalists clashed a white nationalist drove a car into a crowd of Antifa fascists killing one.

That was horrible and we're still hearing about it.

But on Saturday in Yorba Linda California a BLM organizer, Tatiana Turner, drove a car into a crowd of Trump supporters.

Fortunately she failed to kill anyone but the intent was clearly there.

Turner is the founder of Carvan4Justice a pro-BLM group.

That group was protesting and the Trump supporters were nearby with a counter protest.

While it appears both groups were peaceful Turner deliberately drove her car through the Trump protestors.

Given how the #FakeNews media has treated drivers who drove through rioters who were attacking them one would expect that this unprovoked assault would be big news.

But since it hurts Democrats the #FakeNews media pretty much ignored it.

Why "pro-choice" people aren't.

Some abortion advocates will get upset and say pro-lifers are lying when they say that abortion advocates are not "pro-choice" they're pro-abortion.

Here are a few reasons why pro-aborts are pro-aborts not "pro-choice"

Many pro-aborts either approved of or refused to condemn the forced abortion policy of China where women are forced to have abortions whether they want to or not; no choice for the mother.

Many pro-aborts approve of the HHS mandate that requires people who oppose abortion to provide abortion coverage for their employees; no choice for Christians.

Many pro-aborts approve of federal funding for elective abortions; no choice for taxpayers.

Many pro-aborts support sex selection abortions where the unborn girl is killed because her parents want a boy; no choice for girls.

Many pro-aborts support laws and rules that force people in medical school to learn how to perform abortions or participate in abortions; no choice for the doctors.

Many pro-aborts support laws that discriminate against pregnancy centers that don't refer abortions because of their religious beliefs but which provide far more support for pregnant women than Planned Parenthood does; no choice for mothers.

Many pro-aborts oppose laws that require abortion clinics to adhere to the same safety standards as any other medical facility where procedures that could have serious consequences--such as internal bleeding--are performed; no choice for mothers who want a safe facility.

Many pro-aborts support laws that allow underage girls to have abortions without their parents knowledge or a judges consent; no choice for parents.

Many pro-aborts support Planned Parenthood even though it targets minorities; no choice for Blacks and Hispanics.

Many pro-aborts support late term abortions where science shows the unborn feel pain; no choice for a pain free death for the unborn.

Many pro-aborts support abortion for the potentially handicapped; no choice for the differently abled.

Many pro-aborts deny the father any rights in deciding if his daughter will live; no choice for fathers.

Many pro-aborts say abortion is good because without it there'd be more people on welfare; no choice for the poor.

Many pro-aborts attack large families; no choice for loving parents.

All pro-aborts say that the unborn daughter has no say in whether or not she's killed; no choice for children.

In all fairness there are a large number of Americans who think about themselves as being "pro-choice" who don't share these beliefs. These are the vast majority of abortion supporters who think abortion should be in the first trimester for victims of rape or incest not because the mother just doesn't want a kid.  They use the term because the main stream media has been blasting it out loud and clear for over 40 years.

But they're also not the folks who will get upset with you if you say they're pro-abortion.  Instead they'll explain how they want abortion to be safe, legal, and rare and often they'll add that they'd never have an abortion themselves.

The reality however is that the hard core "pro-choice" people, the ones who push for abortion funding and the silencing of any voices that protest against them, are pro-abortion. That's why Obama stopped talking about abortion being "safe, legal, and rare" and instead extolls it as something God should bless.

For those people "pro-choice" is a label designed to hide the reality; being "pro-choice" is nearly always being "have the abortion".

Monday, September 28, 2020

Joe Biden channeled Trump and avoided taxes by making a Subchapter S corporation

 The NYT is making a huge deal about the fact that Trump uses perfectly legal techniques enshrined in tax law that I'm fairly sure Joe Biden voted for to minimize how much taxes he pays.

Given that Bill Clinton used to claim a $2 deduction for every pair of used underwear he donated to charity it's hard to see how any Democrat, like the NYT, can condemn Trump for using the tax law too.

Actually since there is no way that Clinton's used underwear was worth $2 in the 1980s Clinton wasn't avoiding taxes by using the law but evading taxes by lying about the value of the underwear.

Which is a key point. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Trump, you, or me using the tax law to minimize how much taxes he pays.  Everyone does it.  We keep track of any big donations to charity or if we've got a lot of medical expenses we track that.

On the other hand lying to the IRS in order to pay less taxes is a crime.  Trump doesn't do that, according to the NYT, you don't and I don't.

It turns out that Joe Biden is all in for tax avoidance. In 2017 and 2018 Joe, not Hunter, and his wife produced $13 million in profits from speaking and writing.  They managed to avoid, ie legally not have to pay, $500,000 in taxes by running their income through a Subchapter-S corporation.

Yeah I have no idea what that is either so you can bet that Joe found out about it from a consultant he hired just like Trump found out about the legal tax avoidance steps he took from people he hired.

While the NYT didn't find any evidence, and you know they'd have made it up if they thought they could get away with it, that Trump did anything illegal Ryan Ellis over at the Federalist points out that Joe may have engaged in something illegal.

Under tax law when you're using something like a Subchapter-S corporation you have to pay yourself a "reasonable" salary. Obviously what is "reasonable" is somewhat open to debate but it's possible that Joe slid over from avoidance to evading.

In any case in a world where Joe Biden is using Subchapter-S corporations to reduce how much taxes he pays attacking Trump for using similar techniques is nothing more than an exercise in dishonesty by the NYT.

Democrats hate Obamacare except when they love it: ACB edition

The current medical system that Americans are living under is Obamacare.

Obamacare was passed on a strictly party line vote by Democrats with not one Republican in the House or Senate voting for it.

We were told it was the wonder of the ages; that Democrats had finally fixed American healthcare.

That was in 2009.

What's interesting is that for the entire 2020 campaign Democrats, the same ones who gave us Obamacare, are saying that our current health system, Obamacare, is horrible and must be eliminated immediately.

The Democrats who gave us Obamacare, which they now say is a horrible disaster, are telling us that one of their proposed new medical systems will be much much better than their old medical system.

Essentially for this entire campaign so far Democrats have been running on the promise that this time they'll fix what they broke before.

Clearly Democrats who are enamored with say medicare for all or single payer or whatever aren't happy with the Obamacare they praised a few years ago.

But with the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett(ACB) that's all changed.  Now we're being told that by Democrats that Obamacare is in fact the ultimate good for the American people.

What's brought about this sudden change?  ACB that's what.

Democrats hate her because she's got 7 kids, two of whom she and her husband adopted and who are Black, because she's Catholic, but mostly because she believes that the job of a judge is to decide how to apply the law as written to specific cases not to create law to fix what the judge views as "problems" with the laws passed by Congress.

The entire Democrat social agenda from coddling criminals to abortion to redefining sex as gender has been imposed on America by activist judges on the Supreme Court. 

Congress voted against redefining sex as gender multiple times.

Legalizing abortion by judicial fiat overturned the laws passed by all 50 states including ultra liberal New York.

51,000,000 Americans voted against redefining marriage.

Yet the same Democrats who bitch about the electoral college being unfair are perfectly happy that 5 unelected lawyers who are mostly white and all well off financially could legalize abortion, redefine marriage, and let men compete in women's sports.

That's why they will fight ACB tooth and nail. Not because she'll legislate conservative causes from the bench but because she won't act as a queen and impose her beliefs on us.

Democrats are using many different attacks on her; she's a racist because she adopted Black kids being the most bizarre at the moment.

One of those is that she'll overturn Obamacare.

In order to make that argument compelling the very same Democrats who've spent the last year telling us how horrible Obamacare is and how it has to be replaced with one of their new schemes have to suddenly turn on a dime and declare Obamacare to be great.

After all if Obamacare is as bad as those Democrats have been saying why would anyone care if ACB would overturn it?

What's interesting is that Democrats won't talk about the history that would make it possible for her to overturn Obamacare.

You may already know but if you don't here's a short refresher course:

1) In order to get Democrats to support Obamacare it couldn't include new taxes. Obama's henchmen said that if people refused to buy Obamacare coverage they'd have to pay a fine.  That allowed Obama to lie to us about how it didn't include new taxes.

2)However some smart people took the law to the Supreme Court because the Constitution doesn't allow Congress to collect fees from Americans if those Americans refuse to do something.

3)The Supreme Court agreed that Obamacare as written was unconstitutional.

4)If the Court had been honest they would have ruled that way and then required Congress, through the democratic process, to revise Obamacare to include new taxes not fees.

5)But because we the people hated Obamacare so much we'd voted the Democrats out so they couldn't get a revised Obamacare through the Congress

6)Because the Supreme Court loves Democrats instead of making the Democrats sell Obamacare with taxes to the American people the Court decided to rewrite the law for them skipping the whole bothersome convince the people and have Congress vote on new laws thing.

7)The Supreme Court declared that when one reads the law that was voted on one is to replace the word "fee" with the word "tax".  The Court did not rule that every Obama speech, every Democrat talking point, every Democrat claim that stated that Obamacare didn't involve any new taxes be changed.

Essentially the Supreme Court gave itself the full authority of Congress and the President to pass a new law.

That's why if we have a majority of honest judges on the Supreme Court Obamacare is at risk.  Honest judges, like ACB, know that they don't have the authority to revise and pass laws; that power belongs to the elected branches of government.

It still however doesn't explain why the same Democrats who've been condemning Obamacare for months would be bothered if Obamacare was returned to Congress for revision.

The reason for that is that Democrats know that telling Americans ACB shouldn't be on the court because we need to ensure that abortion is legal for any reason at any point in pregnancy isn't a winning position given that 81% of Americans support very significant limitations on abortion.

The "she'll repeal Obamacare" charge is just a made up thing; like the sexual assault charges against Kavanaugh where the most credible woman the Democrats could find didn't remember when or where she was "attacked" and whose life long female friend said that no party like the woman described had ever occurred.

All that ACB could do would be to vote with the majority in saying that Obamacare is constitutional so long as the Congress revises it to change fees to taxes.

It would be the fact that the voters won't elect people to pass Obamacare that would keep Obamacare from being kept in place.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Democrats in California say that men entering prison can choose to be in a woman's prison

 The new California law says that men can choose to be incarcerated in a women's prison if they identify as a woman.

Note no doctor needs to say that the man is in fact afflicted with gender identity confusion.  The man merely has to say that he self identifies as a woman.

In their wisdom the Democrats are saying that any biological man with male sex organs can, if he wants to, be incarcerated with women.

Now that's amazingly sexist.  Imagine the cell mate of that guy.  She weighs 100lbs and he ways 240lb and benches 300lbs.

No reason to think that that might be problematic.

As usual Democrats raise the idea that a man who seriously thinks he is a woman won't want to have sex with a woman but even that's not true.  Many "transexuals" have expressed the fact that they are sexually interested in people of their "new" gender.

But the real issue is that by not requiring any verification of their psychological status by professionals any man, not just those who suffer from gender identity confusion can declare themselves to be women.

So essentially the law says that any man can, by claiming to have gender confusion, choose to have a woman for a cell mate.

Thats were the Democrats, like Governor Newsom, are these days. Ideology trumps protecting women from rape.

Joe Biden says he won't tell us his position on packing the court because we wouldn't like it

When asked if he supports the Democrats fascist scheme to pack the Supreme Court in order to ensure that the Democrat agenda can be imposed on us by the Court Joe said he won't say because it would become "a big issue".

When asked if he'd pack the Supreme Court he said:

“It’s a legitimate question. But let me tell you why I’m not going to answer that question: because it will shift all the focus. That’s what he wants,” Biden said. “He never wants to talk about the issue at hand. He always tries to change the subject.”

Joe is saying first off that we the people don't have the right to know what his position on a critical issue is because it will cause us to talk about it.

He says that he won't answer a question he himself declares is legitimate because it will hurt his chances of getting elected.

Can you imagine anything more fascist than that?  We the people aren't allowed to know what Joe will do because it might upset us and he knows better than we do.

He's treating you like you're a kid and he's your parent.

And in what universe is discussing court packing, which Democrats have declared they will do if Amy Coney Barrett gets on the Supreme Court, not an issue at hand?

By at hand it appears that Joe means an issue that will help him with voters.

This is amazing a Presidential candidate refusing to tell us what he plans to do because we won't like it.

But it's not the first time Joe has done this.

When he was credibly accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade she wanted access to his Senate records which are kept under lock and key at a university.

In explaining why he wouldn't let anyone search those records he said that conversations he had with foreign leaders, including Putin, were in there and that revealing those would hurt his campaign.

Joe thinks you're too stupid to appreciate how wonderful his plans are so he's telling you to shut up and quit asking questions he doesn't want to answer.

Is that the kind of person you want running the country?


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Democrat politicians are using mobs to attack Republicans

 A Democrat who was a Bernie fan tried to murder multiple Republican Congressmen. The #FakeNews media dropped the story after 2 days.

Democrat politicians have called for people to drive Republicans out of restaurants.

Now Democrat mobs are going to the homes of Republican Senators with the clear message that if they vote for Trump's Supreme Court pick their lives will be in danger.

Mobs showing up at Senators houses early in the morning with strobe lights and bullhorns is about threats and intimidation not First Amendment rights.

Yet Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Biden haven't said a word about this.

They haven't told people to not do this.

They haven't condemned it.

Just as Democrats in the past used the KKK and Hitler, a socialist, used the Brown Shirts modern Democrat politicians are using Antifa and BLM to scare and intimidate their political opponents.

People who live in Blue states are afraid to express their political beliefs if they don't conform to the will of the Democrat party not because people will disagree but because people might key their cars or attack them.

It's time to demand that Democrat politicians call for and end to this political violence.

Can you imagine what the headlines would have been if Tea Party mobs had gone to the houses of Senate Democrats with bullhorns and strobe lights?

It's clear that the corrupt #FakeNews media and Democrat politicians don't believe in the rule of law or the democratic process, which is why they're so upset about having a non-legislating Supreme Court.

Which makes them fascists who want to rule over you not represent you.

By Democrat rules RBG was a racist

 One of the ways that Democrats use to "prove" that society is systemically racist is by saying that anytime  Black aren't proportionally represented in any field it has to be due to racism.

Blacks make up about 13% of the population. If a college has less than 13% Black students Democrats say that's due to racism.  If less than 13% of CEOs are Black it has to be racism.

So let's apply that reasoning to the Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

Over her 27 years on the Supreme Court she hired 150 clerks.  Only 1, or 0.7%, of those clerks is Black.

Cleary by the Democrat standard RBG is a rabid racist.

But is she?

We can't tell from these numbers because we have no idea how many Blacks applied to her for a clerkship.

Let's say that 1500 people applied for those 150 openings and 10 of them were Black. The acceptance rate would be 1 in 10 so 1 Black would be perfectly reasonable.

Of course if of the 1500 applicants 300 were Black then one might say there's a possibility but even then it's not proof of racism unless those 300 were just as qualified as the other 1200 non-Black candidates.

While Blacks in general are as competent as whites we can't know that the quality of people who applied to RBG were equal. Perhaps the better qualified Blacks all applied to Justice Thomas.

The bottom line is that the rule that Democrats use to "prove" that society is racist also "proves" that RBG was racist a conclusion that those Democrats would reject.

Essentially the Democrats are admitting to either a double standard or to using a metric that they know is wrong.

San Francisco Democrats hate Catholics and Christians in general

In San Francisco liquor stores were allowed to be open but churches were shut down completely for 6 months.

Clearly SF Democrats think vodka is more important than God.

Now while California has said that churches can reopen at 25% capacity SF Democrats say that only one person at a time can be in a church to pray; weed shops have no such restriction.

Archbishop of San Francisco Salvatore J. Cordileone has made the obvious point; how is a church more dangerous than a supermarket?

No one is asking for shoulder to shoulder crowds or massless masses but saying that stores can operate at 50% of capacity while churches have to operate at less than 1% of capacity is clearly religious discrimination.

SF Democrat's god is government which is why when private gyms were shut down gyms in government buildings were kept open.

There is no rational basis for restricting worship; it's just a ploy by fascist Democrats to suppress faith because religion says that government can't just do whatever it wants.

That's why more than a 1000 Catholic SF residents protested in a peaceful procession against the virulent hate promulgated by SF Democrats.

At least one study has shown that Catholic Masses celebrated using social distancing haven't been the source of any sort of COVID19 outbreak.

The hypocrisy of the Democrats is made even more evident by their support for riots and peaceful protests which involve packed crowds with no social distancing.

When you vote remember that Democrats think that your faith is just a quaint thing that they can crush if they see an opportunity to do so.

Baby born at 22 weeks is thriving; late term abortion kills viable babies

Baby Cannon is one year old. He was born at 22 weeks, when abortion is legal, and weighed only 17 ounces.  Yet today he's doing fine.

Doctors told his parents that he probably wouldn't live long enough to get out of the delivery room.

The key point is simple; it's wrong to abort children that could survive. If the mother refuses to accept her responsibilities for having sex, only 0.3% of abortions are due to rape and only 0.14% for a threat to the mothers life, she should deliver her child not kill her.

The lead FBI agent on the Flynn investigation said no crime was committed

 Slowly but surely the Swamp is releasing the truth about the Democrat's attempted coup.

The Federalist has a great in depth article showing just how corrupt the Flynn and Mueller investigations were.

It turns out that for some reason the lead FBI agent on the Flynn investigation wasn't interviewed until this month.

The reason, it turns out, is that he testifies to the fact that the Flynn investigation and Mueller's efforts were politically motivated attacks on Trump supported by not a shred of actual evidence.

FBI Special Agent William Barnett was so concerned about the political nature of the investigations that he threatened to quit and to go to the IG.  He didn't do so because an FBI Attorney, Kevin Clinesmith, said that despite Barnett's concerns the investigations were legal.  Clinesmith recently pled guilty to fabricating evidence to help get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump.

The fact that senior FBI leadership was also saying that the investigation was ok played a role too. Of course we now know that that leadership lied repeatedly to attack Trump. 

Comey refused to tell the public what he told Trump; that Trump wasn't under investigation. Comey has also admitted to illegally leaking information in order to attack Trump.

McCabe was fired for lying about illegal leaks to the press designed to hurt Trump.

Barnett wanted to close Flynn's case because there was no evidence of any criminal act by Flynn.

But orders, that we now know came from Obama and Biden, told the FBI to look for a Logan Act violation.

The Logan Act makes it a crime for private citizens to interfere in US foreign policy by talking to foreign nationals.

The Logan Act hadn't been invoked for over 100 years and most legal experts say it's unConstitutional.

It's so obscure that the FBI had no code to identify it in investigative documentation.

Barnett had to research it to figure out what it was about but after doing so he didn't see any evidence that Flynn had violated it.

The most obvious reason that it would be impossible for Flynn to violate the Logan Act is that Flynn was the national security advisor for the incoming President and as such his contacts with the Russian Ambassador were not as a private citizen.

Of course Obama and Biden are amazingly hypocritical since John Kerry has gone overseas, after ceasing to be Secretary of State, and talked with foreign leaders in direct attempts to undermine Trump's foreign policy and Biden has said nothing about charging Kerry.

Barnett testified to multiple examples of extreme anti-Trump bias ranging from people refusing to believe evidence that showed that Flynn had done nothing wrong to they belief that Trump asking the FBI to "get to the bottom of this" was in fact an attempt to obstruct the investigation.

The reality is that Barnett wanted to end the investigation due to lack of any indication of a crime but he was overruled by Obama/Biden.

Essentially Obama ordered an illegal investigation into his successor.  Now that's something that should be making headlines.

If Breonna Taylor had been white Democrats would have been talking about gun control

If Breonna Taylor was white and her white boyfriend shot at the police as they entered her apartment the same Democrats who are saying all cops hate Black people would be saying that the incident shows the need for gun control.

After all if Breonna's boyfriend hadn't shot at the police Breonna would be alive today.  Clearly we need to keep people from having guns to avoid incidents like this is the mantra that Democrats would be repeating.

But since it was a Black man who shot at the cops the issue isn't that guns are bad but that cops are bad.

We know, based on both the testimony of the police and another civilian witness, that the police identified themselves. 

We know, based on the testimony of the police and Breonna's boyfriend, that the police, despite having a no knock warrant, knocked.

While it's possible that Breonna's boyfriend was just confused it's also true that if he shot knowing that it was the police he'd be the last one to admit it.

In any case no sane and honest person can say that cops shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves when someone shoots at them.

Remember the one cop who broke the rules, by firing through a window where the blinds were down so he didn't know what he was shooting at, was charged.

This incident shows the vacuity of Democrat's call for taking your guns and their claim that cops are out hunting Black people.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal speak truth to power: the cops who accidentally shot Breonna Taylor did nothing wrong

Don't panic they still say that the system has to change but they said some refreshingly, and obviously true, things that has got them in deep trouble with insane leftists.

Here's Barkley's take:


O'Neal said:

'You have to get a warrant signed and some states do allow no-knock warrants. Everyone was asking for murder charges,' he said. 'When you talk about murder, you have to show intent. A homicide occurred and we're sorry a homicide occurred.

'When you have a warrant signed by the judge, you are doing your job, and I would imagine that you would fire back.'

For making these common sense points they were condemned as "skin folk not kin folk" which seems to be the new way of saying if a Black person doesn't slavishly follow the Democrat part line they're not really Black.

The primary source for the Steele Dossier was a suspected Russian spy

 That's right. The only "evidence" for Trump colluding with Russia is the Steele Dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton, and the primary source for the contents of that report is a Russian who has had many contacts with Russian intelligence officers.

Igor Danchenko was investigated in 2009 to 2011.

The FBI/DOJ people who got warrants to spy on the Trump campaign knew this prior to asking for those warrants and didn't inform the court about Danchenko's past.

However the people running the investigation, Crossfire Hurricane, did deliberately distort the fact that Carter Page had worked with US intelligence to catch Russian spies.

So we've had more than 2 years of investigation based on absolutely nothing at all while the fact that Hillary Clinton paid a foreign national who then paid Russian sources with links to Russian intelligence services for rumors about Trump isn't even mentioned by the media as something wrong.

It's a massive case of projection by the dishonest Democrats who say that Joe Biden's son getting a $3.5 million dollar check from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, a Russian oligarch, is not of interest.

It's likely everything you know about Breonna Taylor is wrong

BLM is burning and rioting in various cities because Breonna Taylor was killed by police and those police aren't being lynched.

If you only listen to the #FakeNews media you'd be insane to think that the cops shouldn't all be in jail.

But if you know the truth you'll see that while her death was tragic the cops did nothing wrong.

First why was her apartment raided?


It's not like the cops were just raiding her place because she was Black which is what the Democrats want you to think.

There was strong evidence that she had drug money in her apartment and the fact that a dead body was found in a car she rented means that she's not some innocent waif.

Second while the cops did have a no-knock warrant they were instructed to knock which they did.  Even Breonna's boyfriend says that's the case.

Third the cops identified themselves. Not only do multiple cops say they identified themselves but a neighbor of Breonna's heard them identify themselves and testified to that.  The only person who says that they didn't identify themselves is Breona's boyfriend who has a very good reason to lie; namely he shot at the police.  If he did so after they identified themselves he'd be in very serious trouble.

Fourth the first shot fired was by Breonna's boyfriend at the police. Breonna was accidentally killed in the resulting cross fire.

Fifth few of us have ever been in a gun fight so our perceptions, consciously or subconsciously, are conditioned by what we see on TV and in movies. The reality is very different.  Even highly trained officers have difficulty shooting accurately when they're being shot at.  Further when someone is hit they don't immediately drop so officers tend to keep shooting.  Hence that a number of bullets were fired and that some accidentally hit Breonna in no way shows that the cops overreacted or were careless.

Sixth one officer did apparently shoot carelessly by shooting into a window which was covered by a blind.  The rules are the officer has to see what he's shooting at since innocent people could have been behind the blinds.  We know that that officer didn't kill Breonna but he is being charged with reckless endangerment because of his poor judgement innocent people could have been shot.

The real Breonna Taylor story is the following:

There was strong evidence she was involved in illegal drug trafficking.

The police announced themselves and knocked but despite that they were shot at when they entered the apartment.

The police fired back in self defense and accidentally killed Breonna.

There was no racial aspect whatsoever.

BLM is rioting over this. That tells you that BLM isn't about protecting innocent Blacks but about furthering the Democrat agenda.

The racism of the "Uncle Toms" in the #FakeNews media was demonstrated when they attacked the Black AG who defended the Grand Jury's decision saying he wasn't really Black.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Democrat's double standards on past comments: Media Matters edition

 Media Matters, led by Angelo Carusone, is calling for Tucker Carlson to be driven off the air based on things he said between 2006 and 2011.

Referring to a Bangladeshi man robbed by a gang of transvestites it was said:

“Did you notice the word attractive? What the f**k is that doing in there? Is the write[r] a tranny lover too? Or, perhaps he’s trying to justify how these trannies tricked this Bangladeshi in the first place? Look man, we don’t need to know whether or not they were attractive. The f***g guy was Bangladeshi,” “And while we’re out, what the hell was he doing with $7,300 worth of stuff. The guy’s Banladeshi! [sic]”

The police were also chided police for not advising the public to “stay away from tranny bars,…”

What's interesting is this is what Carusone wrote in November 2005 not anything that Carlson ever said.

The reality is that what is and isn't acceptable speech has changed over time and either we give everyone a pass for using terminology that was ok then but isn't now or we give no one a pass.

Back in the 2000s Joy Reid, still a prominent voice on CNN, wrote a number of "homophobic" posts where she accused people who weren't gay of being gay and then described why it's bad that they're gay.

Oddly, not, Media Matters has no problem with Joy Reid.

The reality is simple. The left today is mostly composed of fascist haters who have no moral standards and  who are bereft of any standards other than double standards.

I'm fine with giving Angelo and Joy a pass but not if they insist on holding conservatives to a higher standard than they hold themselves.

As Californians face power outages Democrat Governor Newsom says they'll all have to drive electric cars

To be fair Newsom isn't banning the sale of non-electric cars until 2035 but since the state of California's electrical system will be far worse then than it is now, due to his policies, his edict will really hurt Californians.

Yes it's true that after 2035 we'll be able to keep our gasoline and diesel cars and we'll even be able to sell them but no new cars will allowed to use fossil fuels.

Currently due to Newsom's failed energy policies on hot days Californians face black outs because renewable energy sources often don't produce much power; when the sun is blocked by smoke from fires and there isn't much wind for example.

Since Newsom plans to dramatically increase the fraction of power supplied by renewable sources that means either he's going to spend a fortune and kill a lot of birds to ensure that we have enough power margin, something he won't do, or we're going to have more blackouts.

And into that world of limited electricity Newsom is now saying that we have to power all our vehicles with electricity.

But the thought of regular blackouts, making California more like some third world backwater than an American state, isn't the biggest problem.

Because of Newsom's failed forest management policies and his unwillingness to do what the scientists say he should do to reduce massive wildfires Newsom has told entire sections of the state that they will have to go without power during fire seasons because the solution to power lines staring fires isn't better forest management but making huge numbers of Californians go without power for weeks on end.

If your electricity is off for a week or two that electric car or truck will become nothing more than a very expensive paperweight.  And yes we'll need paperweights because without electricity our computers, phones, and iPads won't work either.

Democrats, like their fascist brethren in the Soviet Union and Communist China, are all about ideology not actually helping the people.  Also just as the rulers in Communist countries don't suffer the consequence of the policies they impose on the people neither will the Democrats who run California.  They always have power.

Democrats like Newsom don't care about you one bit.  The only thing they care about is getting power to force you to live the way they want you to.

Oh and no vehicle is zero emissions; that's a big Democrat lie.  

Every sort of electrical power pollutes. Wind and solar plants use huge amounts of toxic chemicals and require massive mining operations that despoil the landscape.

Further we can never have an all solar/wind power system since building enough power stations would not only exceed the worlds capacity to produce the materials needed, they'd take up huge amounts of land while decimating bird populations and would require more batteries than could be manufactured, assuming we could find the raw materials, in hundreds of years.

Hence we'll always need nuclear, hydroelectric, or fossil fuel based power plants.  While hydro and nuclear don't emit CO2, making them zero emission, Newsom and his environmental extremist friends say no to them.

So California electricity will always produce CO2.  Hence no electric car in California will ever really be "zero emissions" in any meaningful sense.

One study has shown that "zero emission" cars actually pollute more than electric cars in some locations where coal is used to produce electricity. 

The reality is that using energy will produce some form of pollution. Oddly Democrats reject Trump's approach which has already significantly reduced US CO2 production, use natural gas.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

In 2019 due to Trump's economic policies real median income grew by 6.8%, $4400 for a typical household

 Joe Biden wants to raise taxes, increase regulation, increase the cost of energy, stop fighting back against unfair trade practices by countries like China, and totally revamp the US economy.

During the Biden years the economy was in a shambles and Blacks had sky high unemployment even as Democrats and the #FakeNews media kept telling us what a great job Joe and Barack were doing.

Trump takes over, cuts taxes, cuts regulations, fights back against countries like China stealing American jobs and voila the economy explodes and minority unemployment hit historical lows.

Of course the China virus has messed that up but remember that Joe's said he's ok with perpetual lockdowns which means in addition to returning us to the failed policies he supported when he was VP he's going to also keep you from working even if you're young and not at risk from COVID19. 

If you want a return to the Obama/Biden years with hardly any economic growth, and your effective earnings going down not up by all means vote Democrat in November.

If you want a booming economy that benefits everyone vote Republican.

Did Putin bribe Joe Biden?

We now know that in on 2/14/2014 the wife of former Moscow mayor and oligarch Yuri Luzhkov sent $3.5 million to Hunter Biden's company Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC.

In Russia you don't get to be the mayor of Moscow without being in Putin's pocket.

Can you imagine how the #FakeNews media would react if it were to come out that the wife of a Russian oligarch sent Trump Jr millions of dollars? 

Of course as this information comes out the liars in the "free press" are already closing ranks to protect Joe.  Just as they did when it came out that Joe had used his position to get a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma, a corrupt Ukraine company which paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars, fired.

We were told that Hunter getting millions for being on the board of an energy company, when he had no experience in the field, a job Hunter said he got because of his last name and Joe firing the prosecutor who was investigating that company was a mere coincidence.

Just as Joe's ongoing praise for China after the Chinese government gave Hunter $1 billion to invest for them is just a coincidence.

It's unclear what Joe has or will do for Russia but we do know that Joe's all in for ending sanctions on Iran and Iran is a major client of Putin's.  A richer Iran would mean billions in contracts for Russia.

Hunter Biden used Chinese funded credit card to buy luxury items

 Ye Jianming is the founder of CEFC China Energy Company.  He has close ties to the tyrants running China including serving as deputy secretary for the China Association for International Friendly Contacts(CAIFC) which is a front group for the Chinese military, the People's Liberation Army(PLA).

He wired $100,000 to the Biden's law firm, Owasco.

A month later Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong, an associate of Jianming's, applied for a $100,000 line of credit under a shell company called Hundon West III LLC--a company that Biden helped form.

Hunter, James Biden, and Sara Biden--James's wife--used credit cards to use the funds in shell company to buy luxury items ranging from plane tickets, hotels stays, and items from Apple stores.

This is how bribery works.  China isn't going to write a check made out to Joe Biden. Instead they have one of their agents drop money into mysterious shell companies which then magically allow Joe's relatives to spend like there's no tomorrow.

Can you imagine how the #FakeNews media would react if this was about Trump and Trump Jr. rather than about Joe and Hunter Biden?

You can read a more detailed account here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The New York Times says that people of Middle Eastern descent are white if they're Christian non-white if they're Muslim

As part of its never ending crusade to sow division and hatred between Americans the NYT published a list of the 922 most powerful people in America and was upset that only 20% were minorities.

In that list non-whites are marked with yellow; the same color the Nazi's used to identify Jews.

Rep. Tlaib parents and Rep. Amash father grew up 20 miles apart and Amash's mother came from Syria. Yet Tlaib, a Muslim, is listed as non-white but Amash, a Christian, is listed as white.

It turns out that there are several more examples of people whose parents are from the Middle East, or even people who were born in the Middle East, being classified as white if they're Christians and non-white if they're Muslims.

The NYT counts people whose ancestors come from Spain and Portugal, like Devine Nunes, as non-white which would shock most Europeans.

Read the full story, with all the gory details, here.

Most people oppose Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy

 You'll often see Democrats and left leaning polling companies like Pew make a big deal about how most people don't support completely repealing Roe v. Wade.

The problem is few people know what Roe v. Wade is and what it legalized.

According to a new poll that word their questions better and ask just what restrictions, if any, the respondents want on abortions we know that only 18% of Americans support abortion for any reason right up till birth.

That poll gave people 6 options to choose from. The first option says "Abortion should be available to a woman any time she wants one during her entire pregnancy". Only 18% of respondents chose that option.

That means that whether or not they know it 82% of Americans reject Roe v. Wade.

A lot of Americans mistakenly think that abortion is only for a good reason and only early on in a pregnancy, unless of course the mother's life is at risk later in her pregnancy.

The reality is that even late term abortions are mostly for non-medical reasons.  Here's what the Guttmacher institute, a highly pro-abortion think tank associated with Planned Parenthood, said were the causes for late term abortions; essentially after the unborn baby has a shot at living if delivered instead of butchered.

Other research shows that late term abortions aren't mostly due to a threat to the mother's life or the baby being "imperfect" or sick but rather for the same reason that early abortions occur.

Of all abortions only 0.3% are due to a threat to the mother life, 1.4% for other health issues including the mother being sad if she couldn't have an abortion, 0.14% for rape, and 0.01% for incest.

98+% of abortions aren't due to any of the hard cases; basically the woman had sex and then either she on her own or because of pressure from others wants to kill the child that resulted from that consensual sex.

Essentially 98+% of abortions are delayed birth control. We all know that no form of contraception is 100% successful; in fact a typical woman taking the Pill has a 40% chance of one or more unexpected pregnancies during her life.

Even worse 51% of women having abortions didn't use any contraception when they had sex so they were planning on using abortion as their "contraceptive" technique.

The reason the pro-life message resonates with voters is that few Americans think killing one's baby just because one had sex and one insists that sex must be without consequences is reasonable.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Biden lied according to CNN: List of Supreme Court nominee's edition

Joe Biden lies pretty much every time he opens his mouth.

From claiming that Trump praised white nationalists, when the record shows that in fact Trump condemned them by name,  to saying that Trump is responsible for every death in America due to the China virus when Joe isn't babbling he's lying.

Usually the #Fakenewsmedia protects Joe but this time even CNN has called him out.

Joe claimed that Trump hadn't called on him to produce a list of Supreme Court nominee's until Justice Ginsburg died.

But in fact, as CNN pointed out, Trump had asked for that list long before Ginsburg passed away.

An interesting side note is that Democrats have been demanding that Trump produce his tax records for 4 years now; even trying to evade the 4th Amendment's restrictions on random unjustified searches by the government to do so.

But the average voter is fare more interested in what a President will do, including who he'll nominate for the Supreme Court, than they are in his personal finances.

Yet the #FakeNewsMedia that's been hounding Trump about his tax records has basically let Joe get away with not letting us know what sort of radical loons he plans to put on the Court if he gets a chance.

Democrats are furious that Trump hides something that doesn't matter while being perfectly comfortable with Joe not sharing with us his vision of who should be on the Supreme Court.

New York Time admits that it lied about when America was founded; it wasn't 1619

From the moment the NYT published the 1619 project, which claimed the Revolution was fought to protect slavery and that slavery was the core of American values, real historians of all political persuasions  have called the project out for bad history and confusing political editorializing with history.

Even if you're not an expert historian the fact that the Constitution's allowing of slavery was clearly a compromise that the Northern states accepted in order to free themselves from England and the fact that the US fought its bloodiest war to end slavery makes it clear that slavery is not the core principle of America.

Now it is true that since the party was founded slavery has been the core principle of the Democrat party but that's not the same as it being the core principle of America.

 The original NYT piece said that 1619, when allegedly the first slaves arrived in America, was the true founding of our nation. Oddly the fact that native Americans had slaves far earlier doesn't seem to have been something that the NYT considered.

That claim has been totally destroyed by historians of all stripes. The revolution was fought to get freedom and allowing slavery in the South was a compromise not something most Americans wanted or fought for.

Instead of admitting that they'd got it wrong the NYT has stealth edited the 1619 project's web page to pretend that they never claimed that 1619 was the real year America was founded.

Here's the before and after shots of the 1619 web site:

There is no question that the intent of the creator and organizer of the project was to change the date of the founding of our country given her Twitter profile:

Instead of admitting her mistake as the historical evidence piled up Ms. Wells lied and said that the 1619 project never intended to change the date of the founding of America.

The reality is that slavery isn't a core part of America or even of the American experience, less than 20% of Americans were ever slaves and those mostly in a few states, but that that lie is a key aspect of Democrats attempt to diss America and call for giving power to the party which has stood for the oppression of Blacks since they fought the Civil War to preserve slavery; the Democrat party.

Democrat politicians are fascists: RBG replacement edition

The Framers said that the Supreme Court would be the least powerful of the three branches of government because all it could do is apply the laws passed by the Congress and signed by the President.

How wrong they turned out to be.

Starting in the 1940s with FDR's threat of court packing and the creation of a "wall of separation" between Church and state and then accelerating in the 1960s with the Warren court and continuing into our own day were the Court unilaterally redefined marriage and declared that men can compete in women's sports the Court has become the primary source of laws in country.

Completely unhinged from the Constitution dishonest, traitorous, judges like RBG ruled what they sincerely thought was best for America irrespective of what the Constitution actually says.

There is no right to privacy in the Constitution for example and the Founders would have been appalled at the idea that anything they wrote required killing unborn babies to be legal.

But Democrat politicians have been ecstatic with the situation because conservative judges, like Scalia, never made rulings that advanced the conservative agenda while dishonest judges like RBG constantly made rulings that advanced the Democrat agenda.

Not a single one of the Democrat's social agenda objectives has actually passed Congress.

Coddling criminals was something Democrats wanted but didn't dare try to legislate so the Supreme Court did it for them.

The Court's ruling on abortion was so radical, abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy, that it overturned the laws of all 50 states including states that had allowed abortions in some cases like New York.

51,000,000 Americans voted against redefining marriage and there is no way it would have passed the Congress but the Supreme Court did the heavy lifting and told voters to pound sand.

Most recently after Democrats tried and failed many times to change the word "sex" in Title IX to "gender" the Court did it for them. Once again spitting in voters faces.

In fascist regimes a small group at the top makes the laws. 

Hence the fact that Democrat politicians are happy about the Court essentially passing laws which Democrats could never get through Congress shows that Democrat politicians are fascists.

Democrat politicians believe that they should rule over us and control every aspect of our lives from how much soda we drink to what our religious beliefs are.

Like all fascists they think they're better than we the people and that they are entitled to run our poor benighted lives; for our own good of course.

That's why Democrats are actually threatening violence if Trump and the Senate appoint a Supreme Court judge that they, the Democrats, don't approve of.

If the Court had been neutral since FDR's day none of the Democrats hedonistic social agenda would have ever passed. Obamacare would have been found to be unconstitutional since the Constitution doesn't allow the government to levy fees on people who don't do something. That's why Roberts had to say that what Democrats called fees were really taxes.

Of course if the Democrats had said that they were raising taxes as part of Obamacare it would have never passed so effectively Roberts allowed the Democrats to declare that they weren't raising taxes while in fact raising taxes.

Democrats haven't been undermining our society via the democratic process. Their major efforts to turn America into a hedonistic European country have all been arbitrarily imposed on society by the Supreme Court.

If the Court should get, for the first time in living memory, a majority of honest judges who view their role as deciding what the people's representatives intended when they passed a law not making new laws because the people are too stupid to support what's "best" for them then Democrats would have to actually convince people to support their radical agenda.

That's an intolerable thought to Democrat politicians because they're fascists who don't think that they represent you; rather they think they should rule over you.

If the Court wasn't a super unelected legislature no one would care who was on it.

The fact that Democrats are saying they will do anything, include use violence, to ensure that the Court stays dishonest tells us all we need to know about who we should vote for in November.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Democrat mayor of Nashville shut down restaurants even though he knew they were safe

 There's a huge gap between Democrat politicians and Republican politicians as well as the American people about the lockdowns.

Republicans and real live Americans who aren't on welfare want to open up business so people can get back to work rather than lose their business or depend on government handouts.

Democrat politicians want to keep Americans suffering until Joe Biden is elected, legally or illegally.

That's why Democrat politicians keep acting as though the China virus is like the plague.  The scientific reality is that unless you're over 50 years old or have major preexisting conditions COVID19 is no more likely to kill you than the flu is.

That's why Joe Biden is casting doubt on a vaccine pretending that Trump is the one who will say the vaccine is safe not the experts at the CDC.

Happy Americans don't vote Democrat so Democrat politicians are doing all they can to make you miserable and counting on the lying propagandists in the #FakeNews media to fool you into thinking your problems are due to Trump.

The latest example, though there will be new ones hourly, is that the Democrat mayor of Nashville knew that hardly any China virus cases were coming from restaurants but he shut down restaurants anyway.

Originally this article was about emails indicating that the Democrat mayor hid the information but it turn out that wasn't the case.  But the real story is that despite knowing that restaurants were safe the Democrat shut them down.

Democrat politicians think your suffering is a small price to pay for them getting more power.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Joe Biden in his own words


Here are some more quotes from Joe:

“If you change the tax rate it went from 38 percent to 21. If you just send it back to 20 uh — 38%, um, if you — 36% to 28, that’s what we started trying to do.”

“He [i.e., Trump] promised his administration would enforce every last buy in American provision on behalf of the American people and what makes his wild claims and hopes, he now hopes we don’t notice what he said or won’t remember and when he does follow through or doesn’t do when follow through, the exact opposite.”

More of Joe's wisdom:

“But we cannot let this -- we’ve never allowed any crisis from a Civil War straight through to a pandemic in ‘17, all the way around, in ’16, we have never, never let our democracy take second fiddle, we can both have a democracy and elections and at the same time protect the public health,”

Joe said the following about COVID19:

“COVID has taken this year — just since the outbreak — has taken 100 year. Look, here’s…the lives…it’s just…I mean, think about it. More lives this year than any other year for the past 100 years.”

He also said this about COVID19:

“And in order to avoid that — those very high (death) numbers, we have to do at least several things,”

“One, we have to depend on what the president is going to do right now. And first of all, he has to tell — wait till the cases — before anything happens — look, the whole idea is he’s got to get in place things that were shortages of,”

And this:

“He’s[Trump] moving too slow… The virus is not his fault… But, the response is his response,” said Biden. “President’s ratings have always gone up, but in the, the proof is gonna be in eating the pudding, what’s it going to look like?”

“I forget the exact phrase used, whatever he used, we’re not the delivery service,” he added. “We the people, we hold these truths, etcetera… It sounds corny, but it’s true.”

With respect to the bribes his son Hunter has taken from China Joe said:

“My son’s business dealings were not anything what everybody that he’s talking about. Not even remotely,”

Here's a compilation of some more of Joe's famous comments:

When asked if he'd take a cognitive test like Trump has by a Black reporter Joe said:


 Joe Biden declared that Kamala Harris was either not Black or not in the Senate:

“I have more people supporting me in the black community because they know me, they know who I am. Three former chairs of the Black Caucus, the only African American woman elected to the U.S. Senate [Carol Moseley Braun], a whole range of people,” he said.

“That’s not true,” Senator Cory Booker said right away.

“The other one is here,” Senator Kamala Harris fired back at Biden.

He later said this about Black female Senators:

“I’m looking forward to appointing the first African American woman to the United States Senate.”

When quoting this sentence from the Declaration of Independence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,”

Joe said:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” “All men and women created by the—you know, you know, the thing.”

Joe has forgotten Obama's name on multiple occasions:

Joe Biden on what office he's running for:

“My name’s Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.” He gets some credit for getting his name right, but right after this gaffe, he continued, “Look me over. If you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden.”

A few days later Joe said:

“These are all people been working like the devil to try to get us elected as the, uh…so I want to thank you,”
Even if we ignore the inaccuracies in these comments, President's don't appoint Senators for example, they are pretty clear evidence that Joe is not at the peak of his game.

If he can't even construct coherent sentences at times how's he going to do his job, how's he going to deal with Putin and Xi Jinping if he's elected?

Is it any wonder that both he and Harris are talking about the Harris administration?

Joe is a Trojan horse to get radical Kamala Harris into the White House.

What Democrats are doing to him is elder abuse.



While trying to blame "climate change" for wildfires that result from poor Democrat policies Kamala Harris trespasses

Ever since Bill Clinton was President Democrats have pushed policies that lead to the massive wildfires that are ravaging the west coast.

Environmental radicals say that we shouldn't do controlled burns and ambulance chasing lawyers are keen to sue anyone who does a controlled burn on private property.

The result is that when fires start there's a huge amount of kindling and they spread rapidly and are very difficult to contain and fight.

Newsom and Harris have been at the forefront of putting "nature" ahead of humanity.

But now that the consequences of Newsom's actions are becoming obvious he's trying to blame it on climate change.

California didn't have these wildfires during previous droughts and currently California isn't having a drought so it's not due to a lack of rain caused by climate change.

Even the climate alarmists admit that the earth has only warmed up by a fraction of a degree since we didn't have these out of control fires.

Forest management experts say that Newsom's policies are wrong and bad for forests. So Newsom is going against "settled science".

What's really offensive though is that Newsom and Harris used a family's burned to the ground home as a photo op to sell their big lie and they didn't ask the home owners for permission.

The first time that the homeowners saw that their home was completely gone was in the photos that those two Democrat politicians released.

Now that's selfish.

Democrat politicians always talk about how they're for the little guy but their actions show that all they care about is themselves and the power they're eager to get.

Joe Biden says that his solution to over regulating farmers is to pay them to not grow crops and help them recycle chicken manure


Note that Biden doesn't in fact answer the question.  That's because he knows that he's promised to increase government regulations in order to make radical Democrats happy.

Instead he tells her that the government will pay her to not raise potatoes using the her and her friends tax dollars.  Then he talks about how pelletizing manure is a great new business that will give her and her family jobs when she can no longer cost effectively farm due to the regulations he's going to impose on them.

Oddly he mentioned horse and cow manure. That's strange because Joe endorsed AOC's Green New Deal which calls for the essential elimination of cows. If there are no cows there will be no cow manure. 

Joe Biden doesn't know that Trump talked about the China virus in the State of the Union speech

Joe Biden attacked Trump's response to the China virus.  Joe said that if Trump had just stood up and said we have a problem in the State of the Union speech, you know the one Nancy Pelosi tore up, things would have been better.

Only problem is that Trump did just that:

More importantly we need to remember that on 1/31/2020 Trump put a travel ban on China to slow or hopefully stop the spread of the disease.  Joe Biden's response to that travel ban was "xenophobic"

The President delivered the State of the Union speech on February 4th where he identified the China virus as a serious issue that he was already working on.

That means that Trump was taking the China virus seriously enough 4 days before the State of the Union speech to ban travel while Joe was saying the virus was no problem and that temporarily banning travel to China was a horrible thing to do.

It's clear which Presidential candidate was in fact taking COVID19 seriously.  And it wasn't Joe Biden.

Doctors aren't God; when they say a baby will die, often in the context of telling the mother to abort, they're often wrong.

 Doctors told Branden West that he was going to die soon after he was born. They said he'd be born with a hole in his skull--which would enable him to be a Democrat politician--and no brain--another key Democrat qualification.  The doctors also said he'd be blind and deaf.

But people prayed for him and this year he graduated from high school with as a straight A student. He can hear and see just fine.

He doesn't look quite normal, whatever that means, but that shouldn't be a death sentence now should it?

Keep this in mind when you read about someone whose aborted their baby to "spare her the suffering".

One of the strongest arguments against the death penalty is that sometimes innocent people are executed.

Shouldn't the fact that doctors get it wrong about unborn babies be just as compelling an argument against killing the unborn because they may not make it if we don't kill them?

Joe Biden, bought and paid for by China, says that every COVID19 death in America is Trump's fault.


Every single American whose died died because of Trump is the lie that Joe Biden wants you to believe.

A few facts are relevant:

  • Joe Biden condemned Trump's travel ban on China as "xenophobic"
  • Democrat Andrew Cuomo probably killed about 10% of all China virus victims by forcing nursing homes to take in COVID19 patients
  • Dr. Fauci has said that Trump has followed all the guidance that his medical experts have given him
  • Joe Biden has failed to condemn China for covering up the virus or for not taking the recommended steps to stop the pandemic before it started

If Joe Biden had been president he'd have let people from China continue to flow into the US unimpeded. Remember that China allowed international air travel out of Wuhan after it stopped domestic flights out of Wuhan. That means that thousands of potentially infected people returning from Chinese New Years celebrations in Wuhan could have entered the US dramatically increasing the initial spread of the pandemic if Joe had been in charge.

What's interesting is that there is no way known to man for Trump, or any President, to have prevented all the deaths once the China virus hit our shores.  

Does Joe think that Trump is God?  He may since he's also said that if Trump is reelected that there will be more natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes.

Whats more noxious is that Joe has no ideas on how it could have been done better. It's like blaming FDR for WWII.

Remember it was the medical experts, not Trump, who said that masks wouldn't do any good at the beginning.  Hence depending on which day it is Joe is saying that he can or he can't mandate masks but even if he could now he would have condemned Trump for mandating them when there was a shortage for doctors and the CDC was saying mask wearing wouldn't help.

Also note that Republican run states have done a much better job at keeping COVID19 deaths down than Democrat run states:

Note that Florida and Texas, which the #FakeNews media are always condemning, have nearly 3 times fewer deaths per capita than New York whose Democrat governor, Andrew Cuomo, the #FakeNews media praise.

One more thing.  We know that when Biden was VP and visiting China his son Hunter accompanied him. Shortly after one of those visits the Chinese government gave Hunter, and John Kerry--who was Secretary of State at the time-- son, $1B to invest.  That's going to generate a lot of cash for the Biden family.

Perhaps that's why Joe is always ignoring anything that China does that's bad for America.

Ask your friends who are thinking of voting for Biden if they want a President who will tell any lie to get elected.