Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Trump's puts WHO funding on hold

The current head of the World Health Organization, a big promotor of abortion, has his job because of Chinese influence.

Throughout this crisis WHO has been parroting Chinese Communist talking points and commending the great job China has been doing.

We now know that China lied and Americans died.

Democrats and #FakeNews media types are viciously attacking Trump for Trump not having realized how dangerous coronavirus was early on.  Yet they rarely mention two key things;

  • Democrats at the time were mocking Trump for being too worried about the virus
  • Trump held that position because China was lying about how contagious the virus was

At the end of January for example WHO's head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was saving that travel bans, which China opposed, weren't necessary.

Yet now experts agree that Trump's travel restrictions on China saved American lives by giving us more time to prepare.

It therefore makes perfect sense for the US to stop funding WHO.  Not only because it's a tool of the tyrants of Beijing but because he advocates for the killing of 40-50 million people by abortion.

The China virus is a drop in the bucket compared to the year in and year out slaughter of mostly brown babies.

The US is the single largest supporter of WHO forking out about 25% of WHO's budget, about half a billion dollars a year.

China gives about 20 million dollars a year. So the US gives about 25 times more money to WHO than China.

Yet clearly WHO is dancing to China's tune and lying to cover China's crimes even though that costs American lives.

Until WHO does what America wants, tell the truth no matter who it hurts, we shouldn't fund them.

If brown lives matter then we should stop funding WHO.

If truth matters we should stop funding WHO.

If your health matters we should stop funding WHO.

But of course Democrats and those in the #FakeNews media are WHO's side not your side.

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