Monday, April 13, 2020

Study shows that 14% of women who abort their babies don't want an abortion

In a study published in the Swiss journal "Medicine" Dr Sullins determined that one in five women who had an abortion really wanted to keep their baby but were pressured into killing their child by their parents, partners, bosses, and others in their social circle.

This isn't the only study showing that sort of result.  A study a pro-life organization, the Elliot Institute found that as many as 60% of women felt pressure to have an abortion.

A third study published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons found that 73.8% of women felt some sort of pressure to kill their baby.  About 58% said that the pressure was significant enough to have an abortion to make others happy.

30% of the woman said that they were afraid that they'd lose their partner if they didn't kill his child.

The third study does tend to overrepresent women who were pressured since it was based on women who sought post abortion counseling.  However the reality is that even that biased sample shows that the pro-abortion industries claim that abortion is about choice is bogus.

As a result of being effectively pressured into killing their child many woman, as shown in the first study, are at higher risk of psychological consequences.

This makes sense. Whether you believe in God, evolution, or both the reality is that women are designed to have and love babies; it's literally in their DNA.

Hence a woman who deliberately kills her baby is going against her must fundamental biological imperative to send her genes to the future.

To think that that won't create consequences is absurd yet that's what the abortion industry tells us.

Essentially the abortion industry is like the old tobacco industry that told us that smoking wouldn't hurt us.

In both cases profit was more important than honesty.  Of course it's possible that people in both industries actually rationalized their beliefs--cigarettes help people deal with life, killing a baby let's a woman live her life the way she wants to--but the reality is that it's just as crazy to think that smoking as no adverse consequences as to think that a woman going against her very nature will have no psychological consequences.

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