Thursday, April 9, 2020

Democrats are considering giving illegal aliens stimulus checks

Someone breaks into your house, eats your food and drinks your beer.

Democrats want to tax you so that they can give your home invader a check.

Once again Democrats are all for illegal aliens and they don't care about Americans.

While Democrats are blocking aid to American small businesses they're calling for or thinking about taking taxpayer dollars away from Americans and giving them to illegal aliens who broke our laws.

Why?  Because Democrats know that illegal aliens do vote and when they vote they vote Democrat.

If you doubt that ask yourself why California has set things up so that when illegals get drivers licenses they can register to vote so long as they're willing to lie about not being here illegally.

There are 1.3 million honest Mexicans and hundreds of thousands of honest people from other Central American countries patiently waiting to enter the US legally.  But Democrats are all in for helping the dishonest folk who snuck into America.

Democrats call for, and in some cases have delivered, free health care for illegal aliens, in state college tuition, welfare of various sorts, and drivers licenses.  Meanwhile those same Democrats oppose tax cuts and the stimulus bill designed to save Americans from the consequences of the China virus.

This all makes sense when one realizes that like all fascists all that matters to Democrat politicians is getting more power.

They know that illegals vote and vote Democrat so Democrats bribe them just like they bribe the rest of their base.  Democrat policy isn't about making America better but about buying enough votes so that Democrats can get enough power to take away your freedom.

For decades dishonest Democrat judges like RBG have been stealing your rights by creating new laws without your consent.

But now Democrats are openly calling for ending free speech, declaring that any speech they don't like is hate speech which isn't protected by the 1st Amendment, and for denying you your right to defend yourself.

They're also openly calling for an end to religious liberty and the need for churches to conform what they teach to what Democrat politicians believe.  Here's what Hillary said on that:

“deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

What's more anti American than telling people what their religion can teach?  Of course she wasn't talking about radical Muslims but about pro-life Christians who don't think marriage should be redefined.

When Democrats treat illegal aliens with more concern than they do American factory workers in Wisconsin you know that what matters to them is power.

They want to rule us not represent us.

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