Friday, April 10, 2020

ABC lies about Trump knowing about coronavirus in the fall

ABC falsely said that Trump was warned about coronavirus in November.  The story is still up even though the head of the agency that supposedly did the warning says that no such warning occurred:

“As a matter of practice, the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters,” “However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence and release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence coronavirus related product or assessment in November 2019 is not correct. No such product exists.”

As usual the report was based on anonymous sources.  Even now CNN is citing a former military official as supporting the claim while current members are denying it. Basically CNN and ABC only trust sources that say what they want to hear.  Can you imagine during the Obama years either of those #FakeNews media trusting someone without access, ie a former military member, over the people working in the military about a claim that Obama?

This is Russian collusion all over again.  Remember that the big dude at ABC is George Stephanopoulos who was a political hack for the Clintons.  It's like Ronald Reagan's staffer was controlling ABC's coverage of Biden.

George asked Defense Secretary Mark Esper about the claim and Esper said he didn't recall any such thing.  Of course odds that he'd have forgotten a warning about a global pandemic that turned out to be true are pretty small.

This is just one more lie like Democrats and the #FakeNews media are lying about the multimillion dollar cuts to the national stockpile pushed through by Obama they will tell any lie to discredit Trump.

They're worried because Trump is out there every day working to protect we the people and keep us informed while Joe Biden sits in his basement and tries to learn how to answer simple questions coherently.

People know that while Trump may not being doing everything right he's working hard, listening to the experts, and doing all he can to get us through this pandemic.  Is he perfect?  Of course not but given that if Biden were president he'd have allowed unlimited travel to China we know for a fact that we're better off with Trump.

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