Thursday, April 30, 2020

An example of a leftist: Professor Brittney Cooper edition

She's a tenured female Black professor at Rutgers and she's telling the world that no matter how vile her comments are her job is secure; she's got tenure.

Unlike the millions of Americans she defamed who work at real jobs which they can lose in an instant if they were to spread hate on the Internet.

She blamed Trump and all  of us who voted for him for Blacks dying at a disproportionate rate to whites due to the China virus.

She apparently doesn't mind that the reason there's a pandemic is that the Chinese Communist government lied.

Nor does she apparently mind that poor Blacks are being shot by the thousands each year in Democrat run cities.

She says that whites don't care about Black lives but clearly the ones who don't care about Black lives are the Democrats who run the cites where Blacks are slaughtered each year.

No she saves her racist hatred for Trump voters and white people.

Then she tells us that because she'd a tenured professor she can get away with it.

This is a text book example of how leftists have one set of rights for themselves and another for we the people.

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