Saturday, April 18, 2020

Democrats ignore Chinese racism

In their rush to blame Trump for the Chinese Communist, ie socialist, government's cover up of the China virus the #FakeNews media and the Democrats seem to have missed the massive racism being practiced by China.

Black Africans in China are being evicted or having their rents doubled while restaurants, including one McDonalds, have posted signs saying that Blacks aren't allowed in.

“I’ve been sleeping under the bridge for four days with no food to eat … I cannot buy food anywhere, no shops or restaurants will serve me,” Tony Mathias, an Ugandan student, told Agence France-Presse (AFP) this weekend. “We’re like beggars on the street.

Apparently racism only matters to Democrats if they can use it to win votes.

If Democrats really opposed racism it's hard to explain the following:
  • They ignore the shooting of thousands of Blacks each year in Democrat run cities
  • They say that allowing Black inner city kids school choice is "racist"
  • They say that it's fine that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort their children than white women
  • They are all for lots of illegal immigration which drives down black wages
  • They demonize any Black who doesn't share the political ideology of the rich white folk who run the DNC
Given all the real racism that Democrats ignore in America it's not surprising that they don't care about the Chinese socialist government being racist.

Democrats are right in that there is racism in America; but they're wrong in blaming Republicans.

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