Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New York Times lies about Fox News: Nothing new edition

The New York Times has blamed Fox News for the death of Joe Joyce.

Joyce liked Fox News and he took a cruise.

He later died of the China virus.

We don't know where he contracted the virus but the Times is blaming Fox News because Hannity was saying that the virus wasn't as bad as we now know it to be.

There are a number of problems with this. The first is that Hannity said that on March 9th 8 days after Joyce had already left on his cruise.

Unless Joyce was a psychic who could see the future Hannity's words couldn't have had any role in his decision to go on a cruise.

Secondly at the time Dr. Fauci said that taking a cruise wasn't a huge risk for a young person in good health.

Thirdly pretty much every Democrat at the time was saying that Trump was overreacting; for example Joe Biden said that Trump's travel restrictions in China were "xenophobic".

But the most amazing thing is that the reporter who wrote the Big Lie about FoxNews was saying that the virus wasn't a major risk before Joyce got on that cruise ship:

In her defense due to China lying most people thought that the virus wouldn't be as horrible as it turned out to be at the time.  But clearly she's dishonest since she expects us to forgive her her mistake while lying about how Shawn Hannity is responsible for Joyce's death.

The essential fact that we must understand is that the NYT will tell any lie if it helps Democrats.

Right now the Times is facing a huge problem. All the radical socialist Democrats like Joe Biden, who is now endorsing the Green New Deal, who the Times loves were horribly wrong about the virus and Trump was right.

Since the only thing the Times cares about is ensuring that leftists get elected so that they can control every aspect of your life, from what your religion teaches to what sort of straws you use, they have to lie over and over to try and fool you into thinking that Trump's at fault and that if they'd been in power Democrats would have done better.

The simple truth is that if the NYT says that the sky is blue don't believe it until you go outside and check for yourself.

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