Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hillary Clinton serial abuser enabler

When Bill Clinton's many affairs came out Hillary was at the forefront of the effort to smear and demean the women.

When Bill Clinton was credibly accused of rape she did nothing.

Now she's studiously ignoring the fact that Joe Biden has credibly been accused of sexually assaulting a women.

Similarly she's ignoring the other 7 women who have accused Biden of inappropriate touching.

But she's not alone.

The entire Democrat party and the #FakeNews media are studiously avoiding the issue.

When a woman came forth and claimed that when in high school Justice Kavanaugh had tried to assault her the media covered it with nonstop ferocity even though the woman had told no one else, a good friend of hers said it never happened, she couldn't remember when or where it happened.

Biden's accuser knows when and where it happened. She told at least 3 other people at the time about it and we know that she was in fact working for Biden at the time.

Yet we're told that she should be ignored.

Clearly the #MeToo movement is something that Democrats and the #FakeNews media only like if they can use it to attack Trump.

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