Sunday, April 26, 2020

The #FakeNews media covers for Joe Biden: Tara Reade edition

Recently evidence cooperating Tara Reade's claim that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her has turned up in the form of a video of her mother calling CNN's Larry King live show at the time when Tara had told her mother about the assault.

Back in April 1993 shortly after Tara said she told her mother of the assault her mother called CNN and asked what steps her daughter could take, short of calling the cops, to deal with the actions of a powerful Senator.

This provides powerful cooperation to Tara's claim that she was assaulted but she said nothing because she didn't want to hurt Biden whose politics she admired.

For some reason within days of this new evidence appearing Google Play has removed the episode of CNN Larry King Live from their catalog.  Even odder they've renumbered the episodes to make it appear that no episodes are missing.

The above tweet has apparently been removed because it may be the case that CNN didn't remove the video.  But someone who is desperate to protect Biden surely did.

Clearly someone is desperate to protect Biden.

This doesn't mean that Biden is guilty but it does show how the left protects its own by lying and or concealing information.

Which is why you can never trust the #FakeNews media.

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