Thursday, April 9, 2020

Democrats are going to run the invisible man for President; Joe Biden

For the last month Joe Biden has been virtually invisible.

That makes sense since when he is visible he tends to be incoherent.

But instead of being highly visible and supporting a unified American fight against the coronavirus Biden initially attacked Trump's policies, the same policies that Biden is now saying he supported back then, and now he's gone pretty much silent.

One of the members of Biden's China virus team has said in the past that people over 75 should die. Given that most of the people who are dying from COVID19 are elderly that would seem, to sane people, to be suboptimal at best.

Of course given that Biden supports the killing of 1,000,000 Americans every year by abortion perhaps he views the 60-100 thousand that might die due to coronavirus as small change.

I don't recall hearing Biden condemn Pelosi and Schumer's holding up economic relief in order to ensure that community newspaper workers got pensions and that rich white east coasters who got gender studied degrees from Harvard got $10K of taxpayer money.

I don't hear him now condemning Schumer holding up much needed aid for American small businesses until he gets more money for Democrat voters.

If Biden had been President many more Americans would have died based on what he's told us his policy would have been.

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