Thursday, April 2, 2020

Coronavirus is bringing about a realization of what matters

Even though the odds of most Americans living through the chinesevirus19 pandemic are probably around 3000 to 1 we're living in a scary time.

Atheists often declare that God not stopping all bad things, including Covid19, is proof He doesn't care or that He doesn't exist.

But the reality is that God like every good father allows us to suffer the consequences of sin.  If the Communist Chinese government hadn't lied and covered up coronavirus the world wouldn't be facing this pandemic.

A study has shown that if the Chinese tyrants had reacted 3 weeks earlier the number of cases in China would have been 95% lower.

Because we're facing our possible deaths it makes us realize that what matters in life isn't how many toys we have or short term hedonistic pleasure. Rather what matters is are we good people; are we in a right relationship with God?

We can see that the coronavirus is having that impact. A new survey by Pew says that people who always pray and many who don't are praying for deliverance from this new disease.

Unsurprisingly 86% of those who pray daily are doing so and 73% of Christians are as well. But 15% of people who never pray and 24% of those who have no particular religion are praying.

God only allows evil to draw out greater good.  One of Satan's key tools to distract us from being good people are worldly pleasures. By allowing this virus God is helping us become better people.

Remember prayer is for us not for God. He is perfectly happy and nothing we do can improve that. But because He loves us He wants us to be good people and prayer will tend to lead us to make ourselves better people.

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