Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Bicycle helmets, the China Virus, and faith

Since WWII America has enjoyed a historically unprecedented growth in individual wealth.

"Poor" people in America live better than the middle class in most other countries.

The middle class in America live like the rich in most of the rest of the world.

Due to great advances in medicine we live longer and better than any other people in the history of the world.

That ease of life tends to make us forget that we will all die.

Every Good Friday the Catholic Church ponders the 4 last things; Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell.

But many in American society, mostly on the left, ignore the reality that we will all die.

The glitterati, the #FakeNews media, Democrat politicians, Instagram influencers, etc all act as though they will live forever. They talk about this or that lifestyle allowing them to live 130 years.

They take drastic measures to attempt to eliminate any risk.

Back in the 1960/70s kids didn't wear helmets when riding a bike and they didn't wear seatbelts, much less sit in car seats, when they went for a drive.

People weren't uncaring they just took risk in stride; and they didn't have the money for things that weren't really essential.

It's not a bad thing that we can now afford bicycle helmets, seatbelts, and car seats but it is bad if we act as though we will live forever.

If people live their lives not preparing for their deaths but rather fixated on what makes them happy now, ie hedonism, they will be desperate to avoid death at any cost.

That's not possible. We will all die; unless the world ends first. :)

More importantly living for what feels good now, whether it's casual exploitive sex or spending money on oneself rather than helping the poor, ensures that we fail to become people who are comfortable with how they've lived.

The guy who dies with lots of toys doesn't win since in the end when faced with death those toys are of no value whatsoever.

Rather the person who has lived a life of charity, compassion, and love of others can serenely face death knowing that they made good use of the life God gave them.

Even honest people who don't believe in God will have to admit that in the end how they feel about themselves depends on if they've lived good lives rather than selfish ones.

Given that the reality is that whether we live 30 years or 130 years as we're dying it will have seemed that our life was a mere blink of the eye long it's clear that living as God commands, loving Him and loving our neighbors, is what will matter in the end.

Contrary to the belief of those who reject God God's laws aren't His way of showing who's boss. Rather they're the "owner's manual" for life that people often ask for.  Every sin hurts us in this life and the next.  For example sexual promiscuity leads to physical disease and emotional trauma in this life.

But because leftists tend to bank on hedonism rather than God they are willing to take drastic steps to protect their health in the face of COVID19.

Of course it doesn't hurt that leftists aren't losing their jobs as much as conservatives are since they tend to work for the government, academia, or be on welfare.

No matter what we do people are going to die because China lied.  But Democrat politicians and their propaganda arm, the #FakeNews media, are already blaming Trump for that.

The best way to deal with this pandemic, or any pandemic, is to take reasonable precautions, which Trump is doing, but more importantly prepare yourself for death.

At every moment be able to look at your life and not be ashamed of it.  If you've messed up, and who hasn't, take steps to ensure that that never happens again and to the extent possible undo the damage you've caused.

Perfection isn't required but love is. Love for others and love for God.

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