Friday, April 10, 2020

Should dishonest traitors be left in positions of power? Democrats say yes

Trump fired the IG, Michael Atkinson, and Democrats are furious that one of their traitorous agents was removed from the seat of power.

Atkinson went outside of his area of responsibility to forward to Democrats in the House rumors which were subsequently proven to be false that served as the basis for the entire impeachment, ie the attempted overturning of the 2016 election, by dishonest Democrats including Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

Attorney General Barr endorsed the firing and said:

“I think the president did the right thing in removing Atkinson. From the vantage point of the Department of Justice, he had interpreted his statute, which is a fairly narrow statute, that gave him jurisdiction over wrongdoing by intelligence people and tried to turn it into a commission to explore anything in the government and immediately report it to Congress without letting the executive branch look at it and determine whether there was any problem.”

Essentially Atkinson acted on his own without following the normal processes. He had to do that since the whistleblowers claims would never have survived any sort of scrutiny.

When people who had first hand knowledge of the events were forced to testify under oath they all repudiated the claims made by the cowardly whistleblower.

It's no accident that Democrats desperately shielded the whistleblower from inspection since he was a close personal friend of Joe Biden who had worked with him extensively on Ukraine.

Can you imagine if some conservative in government had made up a charge against Obama what Democrats would be saying?

You don't have to.  During the 2016 campaign, and right up until they needed him for the Russian collusion lie, Democrats demanded that Comey be fired because he dared tell the truth about Hillary being under investigation.

So on one hand Democrats demand that anyone who tells damaging truths about Democrats be fired but on the other they say that anyone who lies about Trump shouldn't be fired.

The reality is simple Democrats will lie about any and everything if they think it will give them more power over every aspect of your life.

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