Thursday, April 16, 2020

Democrat politicians hate you: They are blocking relief for people put out of work by the China virus

Even as they defend WHO despite it's complicity with China in covering up the China virus and as they're calling for billions of your tax dollars to help Iran they're refusing to provide more money for the program that is designed to let small business stay afloat and keep paying workers.

Republicans want to just provide money for small businesses but the Democrats in the Senate are holding it up for other funding issues.

Essentially the Democrats are using your suffering to blackmail Republicans into passing Democrat priorities that aren't directly related to the problem of COVID19 induced unemployment.

That's because Democrat politicians hate you. They don't care if you suffer.

No that's not quite right. They want you to suffer.  They want you to need to turn to the government so that they can make you trade your freedoms for food.

There is no reason to not just pass the funding that supposedly both parties support and then take up the stuff that there isn't consensus on in a separate bill. But Democrats won't do that since they know that their proposals are unnecessary and only benefit those whose votes Democrats want to buy.

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