Friday, April 24, 2020

Pelosi tells two lies in one sentence:probably not a new record

So first off Trump didn't say that people should inject Lysol into their lungs. He speculated that it would be nice if somehow we could weaponize our new found knowledge about China virus weakness to help people with the disease.

I'm a physicist.  I see nothing wrong with saying gee wouldn't it be cool if we could use this knowledge to fight this disease.

Now if he had actually said inhale Lysol he'd be a danger to society. But that's not what he said.

Pelosi's first Big Lie then is saying that Trump said people should put Lysol in their lungs when in fact he said it would be nice if we could somehow use disinfectants and light to fight China virus.

Then she goes on to tell another Big Lie about Mitch McConnell.  Mitch never said that the states should go bankrupt due to China virus. What he said was that if states go bankrupt due to fiscal mismanagement--as is the case in Democrat run CA, Il, and NY--the citizens of the rest of the country have no obligation to bail them out.

You'll be hearing a lot of this Big Lie in the future because Illinois is on the verge of bankruptcy and isn't even paying its bills.  Thats because Democrats have been running the state for years.  Similarly NY is $137B in debt and CA owes between $200 and 900 billion to its pension funds.  

Margret Thatcher once said that socialism works until the government runs out of other people's money.  Those Democrat destructed states are approaching the limit of what they can squeeze out of their citizens but they don't want to face the music for their actions. 

Hence Democrats are laying the ground work for making you pay for the bad choices Democrat politicians have made in those states.

Pelosi's second Big Lie, in one sentence, was that Mitch was saying that states should go bankrupt because of China virus.

1 comment:

Anne C. said...

IV UV Light Therapy is already a "thing!" I just started a Search for the concept, and the last word popped up! (I used "Duck Duck Go" - it would be interesting to compare their results to Google's!) There were many articles, some touting its use for Lyme Disease (sound familiar?)! It even has its own Wikipedia article... Yet, if Trump simply mentions the idea, he's "crazy" ...