Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The left values their own lives but not that of others that's why 1,000,000 Americans will die this year

It's understandable why people are so concerned about 100,000 American possibly dying from COVID19.

What's not understandable is why many of the same voices that are attacking Trump and everyone in sight over the coronavirus are the ones shouting out in support of the deaths of 1,000,000 Americans every year.

Those Americans don't die due to a natural disaster or some new disease. Rather they're killed because society says that their lives aren't valuable.

They look back at the horrible ways that many slave masters treated their slaves and condemn it but then they turn around and use the same reasoning to justify the deliberate killing of 1,000,000 Americans every year.

Even worse minorities are disproportionately represented in that total. Blacks are three times more likely to be killed than whites for example. 

Who are these victims? They're the babies aborted each year.

Of that million only 0.3% were killed because they posed a risk to their mothers health.  More than 98% of abortions have nothing to do with the mother's life, her health, rape, or incest.  Those Americans are killed because they're inconvenient.

Many abortions are justified because of the economic impact of the baby on her parents if she's not quickly killed.  How often have you heard someone say that they killed their unborn child because the child would have impacted their education or their career?

Just recently at the Oscars an actress said that if she hadn't killed her unborn child she wouldn't have won an award.

So that gives us a price point that leftists put on human life; the cost of a fake gold statue and a few moments of popularity.

How can someone completely fixated on saving adult lives while simultaneously not merely tolerating but actually encouraging--through shout out campaigns and demands for Federal funding--the execution of the innocent because they might cost to much or be too much of a burden on their parents?

Ronald Reagan made a very good point when he commented to the effect that everyone who endorses abortion is already born and hence doesn't have any skin in the game.

Leftists will impose any hardship on society if it means that their chance of living increases but on the flip side they're more than willing to kill others if by doing so it increases the quality of leftist lives.

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