Thursday, April 2, 2020

Chinese corona virus good news

  • Two Democrat governors who ruled that people couldn't use potentially life saving drugs if they catch coronavirus have changed their minds.  That Democrats willingly changed policies that could kill you is clear proof that prayer is working. :)
  • Washington state may be seeing a decrease in new cases which is a great sign since that's where the outbreak really first took off.  If true it's a sign that in fact the drastic measures being taken are working.
  • Another day another potential cure for corona virus. There's good evidence that giving patients blood from survivors of coronavirus may help them beat the virus. It's not definitive but the signs look promising.
  • Cruise bookings for 2021 are on the rise. That's evidence that once we end the national lock down the economy will take off like gangbusters based on pent up demands and fueled by Trump's relief package.
We're not out of the woods yet and no corona virus isn't just another flu season but the reality is that with the drastic measures that we're taking odds are good that we'll weather this storm and come out stronger than before.

So follow the rules socially distance yourself and pray.

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