Monday, April 6, 2020

Democrats are trying to leverage your suffering to enable voter fraud

A key part of the Democrat response to the coronavirus has been to make it easier to vote illegally.

In addition to pushing by mail voting, where fraud is much easier, Nancy Pelosi initially demanded same day registration and other national level changes to our election laws, all of which would make voter fraud easier, and held up aid to you for nearly a week in an attempt to get them.

Since Democrat's policies are obviously wrong they count on two classes of voters; those who are bribed by Democrat policies--like rich white kids deeply in debt for the cost of their gender studies degrees--and those who don't know what is going on--folks who generally don't care enough to vote.

Getting the first group's vote requires massive tax increases which tend to reduce the votes Democrats can get from hard working Americans.

On the other hand making it easy for the folks who don't have a clue to vote is effectively cost free.  More importantly given that the #FakeNews media won't cover voter fraud by Democrats it's also true that by fighting voter ID, by allowing ballot harvesting, and by making it easy for illegal aliens to register they can get a lot of votes.

In California the only thing keeping illegal aliens from voting is their unwillingness to lie about being citizens.  Given that illegal aliens have demonstrated that they're willing to break our immigration laws for more money why would anyone think that they won't violate our voting laws in order to elect politicians, all Democrats, who are promising them even more taxpayer dollars--including free medical care?

What makes recent efforts by Pelosi and other Democrats even more odious is that they're using your suffering due to COVID19 to try and force Republicans to go along with Democrats election fraud schemes or keep you from getting the help you need.

In November rememberer that Democrats put their desire for power ahead of your best interests.

They want to rule you not represent you.

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