Friday, April 3, 2020

"Progressive" is a dog whistle for "fascist"

Democrats keep saying they're for "progressive" policies.  What they don't tell you is that "progressive" means totalitarian ie fascist.

Progressive policies are about bigger government which takes more of your paycheck through much higher direct and indirect taxes; just like fascist states do.

Progressive policies assume that there are no inalienable rights; that all rights flow from the government and are gifts that politicians give the people.

Progressive policies place politicians in charge of every aspect of our lives from what sort of bags we use for our groceries--a policy they're already admitting is bad due to coronavirus--to how much soda we can drink and what our religious beliefs can be.

Progressive policies declare that abortion is essential but going to church isn't.

Progressive policies state that we must all conform to the morality edicted by our rulers, ie politicians. If we don't approve of redefining marriage or abortion we're to shut up and do as we're told.

Progressive policies are always redistributive; taking from those who work--and no not just the rich-- and giving to the folks who vote for the progressive politicians.  That's why it's "progressive" to tax lower middle class Black plumbers to subsidize rich white kids getting degrees in gender studies at Harvard

Progressive policies reject science.  Science is clear; life begins at conception and a man can't become a woman without changing his DNA.  The Soviet Union rejected genetics too since it went against their fascist ideology.

Progressive policies reward those who support the regime. Ensuring that those who don't want to work but who could work will be given a good lifestyle since that population tends to vote Democrat.

Progressive policies always take away our freedom. They declare that speech that isn't "progressive" is hate speech that isn't protected by the 1st Amendment. They declare that criminals shouldn't be given significantly longer sentences for using guns but honest citizens should be denied the right to own a gun to protect themselves.

The list goes on but the reality is that the Democrat's "progressive" policies always lead to Democrat politicians being our rulers rather than our representatives.

Progressive policies are only progressive if what we're progressing towards is fascism.

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