Thursday, April 16, 2020

Democrat politicians game plan for November: LIE

It's clear what the Democrat game plan for November will be.

They will say that Trump didn't respond quickly enough to COVID19 so he's responsible for American deaths.

They will say that Trump reopened the economy too late, if the economic crunch is bad, and they will also blame him for every death after the economy is reopened because he reopened it too soon.

Yes that's logically inconsistent but with the #FakeNews machine lying 24/7 Democrat politicians hope that voters won't notice.

We're seeing the Big Lie already.  Despite the fact that Trump reacted far sooner than Democrats to the China virus and with measures that the Democrats, like Joe Biden, condemned, Democrats and the #FakeNews media are saying that Trump acted too slowly.

Never mind that we know for a fact that if Democrats had been in charge they'd have continued to concentrate on impeachment after the Senate vote rather than do anything to deal with the China virus.

Joe Biden declared that the travel ban on China was "xenophobic" and Nancy Pelosi told people to go visit Chinatown.

Simultaneously the Democrats are defending WHO and China lying about the nature of the disease.  Essentially if they admit that Trump acted in a very strong forward leaning way based on the data he had available to him they know no one will vote for them. Hence they have to act as though because Trump listened to his medical advisors and the intelligence community it's Trump's fault that he didn't do more.

Of course if he had done more, remember Democrats condemns the travel ban so he did in fact do more, the Democrats and the #FakeNews media would have attacked him for that.  After all they attacked him, at the time, for what he did do.

If the #FakeNews media were as biased for Republicans as they are for Democrats the headlines would all be reading how Trump has saved millions of American lives; the difference between the early predictions and the real numbers.

It's no accident that Democrat politicians, other than the one whose life was saved because of Trump, are attacking Trump for his offering us hope that there is a drug that can work against many of the worst cased of the coronavirus.

Democrats want you to be hopeless. They want you to be poor. They want you to be desperate.

That's because poor, frightened people are more likely to trade their freedoms for food.

The core desire of all Democrat politicians at the national level is to have more power over you.  That's why Democrats are always lockstep while Republican politicians often disagree among themselves.

That's why Bernie and other Democrats who said Biden was a disaster are now endorsing him. What matters isn't what's right or good all that matters to Democrat politicians is how much they can control your life.

The next phase of the Democrat's Big Lie is to blame Trump no matter what he does about reopening the economy. Democrats will act as though we can shut down the country indefinitely with no problems; oddly those same Democrats said we couldn't survive shutting down the government for a week.

The reality is that there will be massive health impacts, not to mention quality of life impacts, if we keep the country closed.

Some sort of phased reopening will be necessary to minimize death and suffering. But lacking a magic bullet as we do that people will continue to die.

Democrats will blame Trump for every death even though the reality is that far fewer people would be dying than if we shut the country down indefinitely.

Oddly the same Democrats didn't blame Obama for the thousands of Americans who died due to swine flu even though he didn't take any steps to deal with it until 1000 Americans had already died--remember Trump was taking steps before a single American died from the China virus.

The reality is that China's coverup led to a global pandemic and there is no way to keep the disease from killing people for the foreseeable future.  But that's nothing new. Each year tens of thousands of people die from the flu in American, tens of thousands die in car accidents, and yet we don't lock down the country every winter or ban cars.

It's a fantasy clung to by rich leftists that we'll live forever and that we can protect ourselves from death.  That's because they tend to reject God and think of death as the end of all things.

In real life we all have to take chances and what we, and Trump, have to do is try and minimize our overall risk.  Sure we'd be safer if we didn't drive but then we'd have trouble finding work or going to the store.  Every day we make tradeoffs between safety and quality of life.

But Democrats will blame Trump no matter what.

Remember that Democrat politicians are using your suffering to try and win an election rather than working with Trump to help you through these hard times.

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