Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Biden advisor who wants old people to die says we will need 18 months of social distancing

Dr. Zeke Emanuel has written that everyone should die at 75 and that even simple things like antibiotics are inappropriate when people 75 or older are sick.

Given the enthusiasm leftists have for killing the elderly that wouldn't be big news except for the fact that Joe Biden picked Emanuel to be on Biden's china virus task force.

Which is odd since Biden is over 75 and hence according to Emanuel  should be hoping to die soon.

Emanuel has come out with another proclamation saying that we'll need to socially distance for 18 months.

He said:

Conferences, concerts, sporting events, religious services, dinner in a restaurant, none of that will resume until we find a vaccine, a treatment, or a cure.

This is the Democrat party line talking.  They want your life to be hell in order to keep Trump from being reelected.

The reality is that for people under 60 COVID19 is no worse than the flu.  Hence to tell them that their lives must be destroyed is clearly wrong.

But even the elderly suffer from social distancing.  If the economy goes into a tailspin, which is what Biden wants, then the elderly's savings will be decimated which will lead to suicide, despair, etc. We've seen what a lack of jobs does to health in the Rust Belt.

Now that doesn't mean that we just throw our elderly to the wolves but it means that policies that recognize that difference and that take into account the health impacts of social distancing need to be found.

For example maybe people over 60 will have to continue to social distance while younger people won't have to.

Maybe we can let people decide for themselves while providing mechanisms, special store hours for the elderly and financial support for example, that let the elderly survive staying at home.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is painting a more realistic picture with students being able to return to school in the fall.

Also the reality is that we're already seeing potential cures and vaccine like treatments so odds are good that within a short time, not 18 months, the china virus will be no more dangerous than the flu.

Clearly Emanuel is workmen hard to keep you scared and to ensure that Democrats get more power over you.

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