Friday, April 3, 2020

Nancy Pelosi sees your suffering from coronavirus as an opportunity for getting more power

While Trump is buying more ventilators, forcing companies to make ventilators, moving hospital ships to crisis areas, passing a massive aid bill to keep the economy afloat amid the restrictions necessary to minimize American deaths, revamping regulations to ensure that truckers can keep on trucking supplies to you, and spending hours spreading the word about what you can do to keep yourself safe all Nancy Pelosi has been doing is trying to make political hay.

She held up the relief bill designed to help hard working Americans through their temporary unemployment and loss of business for nearly a week in order to, among other things, ensure that community newspaper employees have pension plans.

Now she, along with Adam Schiff, is starting a new "investigation" into Trump's handling of the COVID19 crisis.

Based on how she and Adam handled impeachment we can be pretty sure that her call for people to visit San Francisco's Chinatown on February 25 won't be mentioned.

We also won't hear about her ripping up Trump's State of the Union speech which contained a warning about coronavirus and a statement by Trump that he was already working to minimize it's impact on you.

That Joe Biden, who seems to have disappeared, called Trump's early travel ban on China--which experts credit as having bought the US valuable time-- "xenophobic" will also be something that Schiff and Pelosi won't be bringing up.

Democrat Governor Cuomo's refusal to buy 16,000 ventilators a few years ago, at the time he had money for corrupt programs, won't come under scrutiny either.

Democrat Governor's in Nevada and Michigan banning the use of a potential treatment for the China virus are unlikely to be mentioned.

That Chuck Schumer blocked a part of the relief bill that would have sent more money to New York state, the state he represents, won't be a topic of discussion in all likelihood.

Finally we're unlikely to hear that Nancy Pelosi going on CNN to accuse Trump of killing Americans was not a good thing to do in the middle of a pandemic.

The reality is that leading Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi view your suffering as an opportunity to get more power over every aspect of your life.

Now there are have been some Democrats who aren't completely evil.  Both radical governors Cuomo and Newsom, of CA, have said nice things about Trump.  But of course that's tempered by the fact that Newsom wants to use this crisis to push his totalitarian agenda for California.

Remember this in November; leading national Democrats care about power while Trump and Republicans care about you.

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