Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The greedy left: Harvard edition

Harvard has an endowment of $40 billion. That works out to close to $600,000 per undergraduate.

Yet they are going to keep the $9 million they got from the $14B that the relief bill provided for colleges.

Apparently socialism is something that Harvard preaches but doesn't practice.  There are probably hundreds, if not thousands, of small colleges with tiny endowments who need more money yet Harvard, to which $9M is pocket change, is going to keep the taxpayers money it received.

This is typical of the left. They constantly argue that others should be more altruistic while practicing greed themselves.

From Hollywood types who film in Canada where it's cheaper to leftist billionaires who use ever tax exemption they can find and push for more but who call for higher tax rates when push comes to shove they want you to pay for their philanthropy.

When the left is "generous" it's often for political causes not people.  For example with millions of Americans in financial distress did Hollywood hold a fundraiser for them?  No but they did hold one for the WHO which has colluded with China and is partially responsible for the fact that we're facing a pandemic.

UPDATE: Due to Trump shaming them Harvard has agreed to not get the money.  Something that Stanford and other prestigious universities did without being threatened with bad publicity.

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