Saturday, April 18, 2020

The cure is worse than the disease: Ending COVID19 shutdown edition

We've all known that locking down the country and throwing tens of millions of Americans out of work was going to cost lives.

Highly depressed suicidal people locked in their apartments/homes by themselves and being scared by the #FakeNews media that they're about to die are more likely to kill themselves.

Similarly people without jobs and without government support, because Nancy Pelosi keeps blocking aid for them, are more at risk of drug abuse and suicide.

Dr. Saphier is doing what the Democrats are calling for; using science to figure out what we should do.

As with most Democrat policies in this case Schumer, Pelosi, et al aren't looking at all the impacts. They want the country shut down and you to suffer because they think that will increase their chances of winning in November.

They believe that because they know that the #FakeNews media will lie through their teeth to try and convince you that everything is Trump's fault.

If you knew that Trump was trying to reduce overall deaths because people will die due to the shutdown you'd be less likely to condemn Trump.

That's why Democrats and the #FakeNews media are desperately trying to blame Trump, not China, for every death and simultaneously for the economic hardships due to the cure.

Are Trump and the governors going to get it perfectly right and ensure that the absolute minimum number of Americans die?

No.  But Trump is working hard to make sure we do the best we can.  That's why he's consistently listened to his medical advisors and why he's assembled a bipartisan team of experts to work with him to map our progress back to normalcy.

In November remember that while Trump was working 16 hour days to help you Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff were all working hard to get more power over you.

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