Thursday, October 3, 2019

Should you vote for a Democrat? A checklist that will help you decide

Here's a list of the positions of the Democrat Presidential candidates.  If you agree with these positions then you should probably vote against Trump in 2020.

1) Democrats support free medical care for illegal immigrants.
2) Democrats support welfare for illegal immigrants
3) Democrats want to end private insurance and replace it with Medicare for All. That means that if you have a good health care plan you will lose it and get the same care as someone who dropped out of high school to do drugs.
4) Democrats support massive tax increases on the middle class to pay for Medicare for All.
5) Democrats believe that anyone who can sneak into the US is entitled to citizenship.
6) Democrats believe that the government should decide what your religion believes
7) Democrats believe that biological men should be able to use women's restrooms
8) Democrats believe that high school girls should share locker rooms with biological boys
9) Democrats believe that it's ok to kill a baby that survives an abortion attempt
10) Democrats believe that Iran isn't a threat and that giving them money is a good idea
11) Democrats believe that the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to speech they don't like
12) Democrats believe that the 2nd Amendment should be ignored
13) Democrats believe that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to conservatives
14) Democrats believe that we have freedom of worship but not freedom to live our faiths
15) Democrats believe that nuns should be forced to help provide abortions
16) Democrats believe that it's ok that thousands of Blacks are shot in Chicago each year
17) Democrats believe that it's ok that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women
18) Democrats believe that your tax dollars should pay for non health required abortions
19) Democrats believe that abortion should be legal for any reason at any point in a pregnancy including after labor has started
20) NY Democrats changed the law to remove the murder penalty if a man kills a woman's unborn baby; haven't heard any Democrat Presidential candidates condemn that
21) Democrats believe that it should be legal for a woman to abort her unborn daughter because she wants a son
22) Democrats believe that impeachment is a tool to undo an election they lost even if Trump hasn't done anything illegal.
23) Democrats say you shouldn't eat beef
24) Democrats say you shouldn't have a car
25) Democrats say you shouldn't fly in a plane
26) Democrats say you shouldn't own a gun to protect yourself and your family
27) Democrats want to double your energy costs

While not every Democrat presidential candidate has espoused all of these positions the reality is that these are the things they'd try to do if they're elected.  They all say that uber radicals like Democrat Ocasio-Cortez are great people who have good ideas.

Ocasio-Cortez is the one who said that you should be taxed so that someone who could work but who doesn't want to can have a nice lifestyle without working.

That's who the Democrat Presidential candidates are these days; even supposedly moderate Joe Biden has declared that he wants your hard earned dollars to pay for the 99.7% of abortions that aren't medically necessary.

If you don't like any of the 27 items above, and there are many more like them, voting for a Democrat will end up being the biggest mistake of your life.

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