Wednesday, October 2, 2019

RNC has to get much much more money than DNC due to the #FakeNews campaigning for Demcorats

The good news is that Trump and the RNC are raising far more money than the Democrats especially since the whole impeachment, ie coup, talk started.

The bad news is that because the #FakeNews media are nothing more than liars for the Democrats the Republicans need a lot more money to get the truth to voters.

For example more than one #FakeNews outlet deceptively edited the Ukraine call transcript to incorrectly imply that there might have been a quid pro quo offered by Trump if Ukraine reopened the investigation into the Ukraine company that was paying Joe Biden's son a fortune; you know the investigation that Joe Biden shut down.

Too many Americans who aren't policy wonks live in an alternate reality because they never hear about the facts that expose the lies told by the #FakeNews media.

For example the Democrats Medicare for All program will require massive tax increases on the middle class but the #FakeNews media won't mention that.

The Republicans need a lot of money to overcome all the #FakeNews media's propaganda.

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