Wednesday, October 2, 2019

San Francisco stops its Jihad against the NRA

You may recall that the city of San Francisco declared that the NRA was a terrorist organization and that the city wasn't going to do business with anyone who was associated with the NRA.

Just one more example of how Democrats believe that free speech isn't really free for anyone but Democrats.

The good news is that there apparently are a few adults left in the government of San Francisco because in response to an NRA lawsuit the mayor, you know the guy whose administration can't keep the streets clear of human feces and used needles, said:

"In a formal memo to city officials, San Francisco mayor London Breed declared that “no [municipal] department will take steps to restrict any contractor from doing business with the NRA or to restrict City contracting opportunities for any business that has any relationship with the NRA.”

The memo declares, “resolutions making policy statements do not impose duties on City departments, change any of the City’s existing laws or policies, or control City departments’ exercise of discretion.”"
Given the uproar by the left when Trump said he was considering labeling Antifa a terrorist organization it's clear that the SF Democrats define terrorists as anyone who disagrees with them not as people who use violence against civilian targets for political reasons.

Essentially the NRA is condemned by Democrats because it has the audacity to stand up for the 2nd Amendment rights of we the people.

Of course that makes sense since Democrats want we "sheep" to be defenseless just as the people of Hong Kong are defenseless.  That's what all would be and actual tyrants want.

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