Wednesday, October 2, 2019

DNA testing proves massive fraud in Somali immigration

There is strong evidence that Democrat Ilhan Omar got into the US by lying about what family she belonged to.  Essentially by pretending to be part of a family that had gotten permission to enter the US she got in, or more precisely her father got his family in.

That's not an outrageous charge not only because there is evidence for it, such as her quickly deleting a tweet where she said someone other than the man she said was her father for immigration purposes was her father,  but also because the practice is common in the Somali community.

Back in 2008 the State Department tested 500 primarily Somali and Ethiopian refugees and found that only 20% of them were in fact related to the "anchor relative" who was used to justify their entry into the US.

But Democrats don't care because they know that Somali's can be counted on to vote Democrat.

Interestingly we see a similar problem with children at the southern border.  Around 30% of "families" arrested at the border aren't in fact families.  The child isn't related to their supposed parents.

That means that the Democrats policy of going easy on "families" is creating a black market in trafficked children.  The kids are used to help illegal immigrants make it into America even if they're caught.

Clearly Democrats don't care about this consequence any more than they care that Somali's are breaking our immigration laws.

Once again all that matters to Democrats is getting more power over you; being able to tell you what sort of straws to use and how much soda you can drink.

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