Thursday, April 30, 2020

China virus reinfection probably isn't a problem

A new study out of South Korea has concluded that the reason that people who've had the virus test as positive after they recover is because the test for the virus will show a positive result if fragments of the virus, incapable of causing disease, linger in the patients body.

This is great news since it means that over time we will develop herd immunity; enough people are immune to the disease that it won't spread.

This is also a good reason to reopen society for the young and healthy; where young is <60 .="" p="">
We already know that people under 60 without preexisting conditions aren't at high risk from the China virus.  In fact the average age of people who are dying in the US and in Italy as well as other countries is 70.

Hence opening up society for the young and healthy will expose them to the China virus, they'll get it , many won't have any symptoms, some will have flu like symptoms, and they'll become immune to the virus.

People over 65 make up about 16% of the US population. We need about 80% of the population to have immunity for the herd immunity effect, the virus doesn't spread because the people who are exposed to a sick person are immune, so if we get the young exposed we'll be either at herd immunity levels or very close to them which would mean that the elderly and those with preexisting conditions would be much less likely to catch the China virus even if we don't have a cure or a vaccine.

It's time to be rational and take into account the huge cost in human life, due to suicides and drug use, of putting tens of millions of young healthy Americans out of work and start opening society back up.

We still need social distancing at some level. We still need special shopping hours and special accommodations for the elderly and those with preexisting conditions. But we don't need to put the 84% of the population for which the China virus is no worse than a bad flu season in jail in perpetuity.

Democrats want to do that because they think they can get more power by blaming Trump for an economic disaster. Democrats were hoping for a recession so that they could beat Trump in November and now that the China virus has given them an excuse they're doing everything they can to make you poor.

Democrats are already blaming Trump for every death and they've made it clear that they will blame him for every death if the country opens up. In neither case will they credit him for the lives his actions have saved; remember that the initial death tolls were projected to be above 1 million.

An example of a leftist: Professor Brittney Cooper edition

She's a tenured female Black professor at Rutgers and she's telling the world that no matter how vile her comments are her job is secure; she's got tenure.

Unlike the millions of Americans she defamed who work at real jobs which they can lose in an instant if they were to spread hate on the Internet.

She blamed Trump and all  of us who voted for him for Blacks dying at a disproportionate rate to whites due to the China virus.

She apparently doesn't mind that the reason there's a pandemic is that the Chinese Communist government lied.

Nor does she apparently mind that poor Blacks are being shot by the thousands each year in Democrat run cities.

She says that whites don't care about Black lives but clearly the ones who don't care about Black lives are the Democrats who run the cites where Blacks are slaughtered each year.

No she saves her racist hatred for Trump voters and white people.

Then she tells us that because she'd a tenured professor she can get away with it.

This is a text book example of how leftists have one set of rights for themselves and another for we the people.

Not a bioweapon but is the China flu due to communist carelessness?

In communist societies the environment and safety always rank last; what matters is ensuring that the unelected tyrants who run the country look good.

That's why Chernobyl was in the Soviet Union; they didn't bother spending money on safety because that didn't help the rulers look good.

That's why the air in Beijing is literally toxic; the rulers can avoid it.

Years ago the State Department warned that the Chinese weren't really doing a good job at enforcing biological containment protocols at a Chinese lab near the Wuhan market where the China virus allegedly started.

That may in fact be why the US sent money to that lab; to help ensure that they followed protocols and didn't start a pandemic.

Ever since the outbreak started people have wondered about what the chances were that of all the wet markets in Wuhan province, which has a population of 58.5 million, the wet market where the China virus started just happened to be within a few miles of a lab whose biocontainment protocols were substandard?

Wuhan province covers 3279 sq mi and it must have many wet markets to support that population.  Hence it's not highly likely that if the virus started from a random encounter in a wet market between infected animals and people that it would have been in the wet market near the lab.

The good news is that there is no indication that the virus was deliberately modified to make it a bioweapon.

Given that we know the Chinese Communist government has lied about the virus from the first and even attempted to cover up its existence until the death toll got too high, because an viral outbreak makes the tyrants look bad, so we have every reason to believe that they will lie about where the virus really came from.

The US intelligence community has now on the record states that they are investigating if in fact the China virus was due to an accidental release at the poorly managed viral research lab.

The thing to remember is that the Communists are socialists.  And this sort of environmental depredation is the natural consequence of a government that doesn't have to answer to the people.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

New York Times says we shouldn't believe women

The main objective of the New York Times isn't to report the truth but to ensure that Democrats can control every aspect of your life from what your religion teaches to what sort of straw you can use.

To achieve that they will say anything to ensure that Joe Biden is elected President.

To defend him against a credible charge of sexual assault they rely on the fact that only one woman, so far, has come forth to accuse Joe of assault; apparently the 7 other women who have accused Joe of inappropriate touching don't count.

That is not an irrational argument but it's not one that the NYT subscribed to when only one woman accused Justice Kavanaugh of an attempted assault. In that case we we were told that we have to believe women.

Another key point the NYT made was that other Biden staffers who Tara Reade, the victim, said she'd told about the incident say that they don't recall it.  However people who didn't work for Biden do recall her telling them about it at the time.

Given that Reade held back on her account for decades because she didn't want to hurt Biden, she like a good Democrat stooge put justice for herself behind ensuring that Democrats have more power over us, it's hardly odd to believe that in fact those former Biden staffers are lying to protect him.

Did Biden assault Tara Reade?  We don't know.  But the complaint being raised by conservatives isn't that Biden isn't already leg irons breaking rocks in the hot noonday sun but that the #FakeNews media hasn't even asked him about the allegations.

In 10 public appearances he hasn't been asked once about her accusations. 

On the other hand the #FakeNews media effectively declared Kavanaugh guilty despite all the problems with Christine Blasey Ford's accusations.

Here's a short list of the issues that rendered Ford's accusation incredible:
  • She didn't remember where the attack occurred
  • She didn't remember when the attack occurred
  • She hadn't mentioned the attack to anyone until decades later when Kavanaugh's name came up as a possibility for the Supreme Court
  • She hates Trump and Kavanaugh's strict constructionist, ie don't make up laws, judicial philosophy
  • She lied about being afraid to fly
  • She didn't come forth until the last minute
  • A life long friend of hers, a woman, said that the party the attack allegedly occurred at never happened
  • None of the other people she said could corroborate her story did so
  • Her counselors notes show that she didn't identify Kavanaugh as the attacker when she first started talking about the claim
  • No other credible charge of inappropriate behavior was lodged against Kavanaugh and in fact slews of women he'd worked with praised him

In contrast here's the facts as we currently know them about Tara Reade's accusation:

She remembers when the attack occurred
She remembers where the attack occurred
She told multiple people at the time about the attack
She loves Joe Biden's politics and didn't mention the attack out of fear of hurting his political career
Seven other women have accused Biden of inappropriate behavior
The Internet is full of Biden violating the personal space of women and little girls
Her mother called Larry King live about her having been improperly treated by Biden at the time--though the mother didn't mention sexual assault per se

Bottom line the NYT believed the story of a woman who had a huge political axe to grind but is refusing to believe the story of a woman who supports Biden's political positions.

Clearly the whole, "believe women", really means "believe any women no matter how ludicrous her claim is if she's accusing a Republican and believe that any women who accuses a Democrat is lying".

One more thing. Did you know that the NYT article we're talking about originally contained this sentence:

“The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

However once the Biden campaign complained the NYT changed it to:

“The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden"

Clear evidence that the NYT will tell any lie and conceal any truth to help Democrats.

Hillary Clinton serial abuser enabler

When Bill Clinton's many affairs came out Hillary was at the forefront of the effort to smear and demean the women.

When Bill Clinton was credibly accused of rape she did nothing.

Now she's studiously ignoring the fact that Joe Biden has credibly been accused of sexually assaulting a women.

Similarly she's ignoring the other 7 women who have accused Biden of inappropriate touching.

But she's not alone.

The entire Democrat party and the #FakeNews media are studiously avoiding the issue.

When a woman came forth and claimed that when in high school Justice Kavanaugh had tried to assault her the media covered it with nonstop ferocity even though the woman had told no one else, a good friend of hers said it never happened, she couldn't remember when or where it happened.

Biden's accuser knows when and where it happened. She told at least 3 other people at the time about it and we know that she was in fact working for Biden at the time.

Yet we're told that she should be ignored.

Clearly the #MeToo movement is something that Democrats and the #FakeNews media only like if they can use it to attack Trump.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Democrats looking to your wallet to save themselves

Horrible policies in Democrat run states like Illinois have left those states in precarious financial condition.  Illinois for example can't even pay its bills.

Now Democrats want to tax you folks in states responsibly managed by Republicans to bail out Democrats.

Hell no.

Let the folks who've voted for Democrats all these years pay the price.  Let all the government union members who are far better treated that private sector workers go without pensions.  After all only a small fraction of private sector workers get pensions anywhere near as good as what government workers get.

Otherwise folks will keep voting for Democrats and we'll have to keep subsidizing them.

YouTube censorship: Doctors against China virus lockdown

Two doctors who run urgent care facilities in Bakersfield, Fresno, and Temecula California did an interview in which they said that for economic and health reasons the lock down doesn't make sense.

That's hardly controversial in that many people are making the same or similar arguments. They might be wrong but they're hardly nut cases.

Yet YouTube has taken down the first part of an ABC video of the interview after it had been viewed 5.46 million times.

Allegedly it violated YouTube's, owned by Google, terms of service.

This is one more example of how the left knowing it's unable to win arguments based on facts and reason resorts to deplatforming any voice that doesn't agree with what leftists believe in.

Understanding the problems with Climate Change Alarmism

If you believe the #FakeNews media all real scientists support Al Gore's apocalyptic view of the existential crisis we face if people other than Al don't stop producing CO2.

The reality is that the only consensus is that the earth is warming, how much is not agreed on, and that some portion, not necessarily even most of that warming, is due to human generated CO2

Of course consensus is meaningless in science.  Back in the 1930s only on geologist supported the idea of continental drift and even though there was an overwhelming consensus that he was wrong it turns out he was right.

So what are the actual facts?  Are there good reasons to doubt that we're facing an existential crisis?

The answer is yes; there are many good logically and scientifically valid reasons.

Here's a list of some of the arguments that go against the idea that we need to give up our freedoms and live in poverty to avert disaster:

1) Climate Alarmists don't believe what they say:  Climate Alarmists are all very big fans of the Paris Accords.  The Paris Accords allow China and India to massively increase their CO2 production for at least the next decade.  Currently China produces more CO2 each year than the US and the EU combined.

But if we're facing certain doom in 12 years, as AOC says, no sane person could support letting China and India massively increase the amount of CO2 they put in the air.

Hence either climate alarmists are stupid or they don't really believe that we're facing an existential or nearly existential crisis.

Odds are that they don't believe since they hardly ever critique China's abysmal pollution record.  Did you know that China puts 33 times the amount of plastic in the ocean than the US does and that the US puts less plastic in the ocean than North Korea?

2) The Pause:  Climate Alarmists spend years trying to explain away the fact that the earth's temperature wasn't increasing. Then suddenly just prior to a major environmental conference a group announced that the Pause wasn't real.

They did so not by analyzing new data but by "adjusting" existing data.  In order to get the world to appear to be warming they said that the oceans were warming.

We now, thanks to a whistleblower, that the way they did that was by trusting less reliable data over more reliable data.  There are two primary ways to measure the oceans temperature; buoys and ship engine intake water temperatures.

The ship data is less reliable for a variety of reasons including the fact that the ship impacts the temperature of its surroundings.

But the ship data showed the ocean warming while the buoy data did not.  So what did the scientists do? The made the buoy data conform to the ship data.  Not surprising given that they openly discussed that their study had to support global warming...err climate change in order for the upcoming conference to have a basis for declaring that action must be taken.

3) Without "corrections" there is no evidence for a significant warming trend.  If one examines the raw temperature record there is no sign of significant warming. However the plots you see all used "corrected" data.  Interestingly the data is often "corrected" stealthily.

More importantly it turns out the "corrections" are likely all wrong.

The primary factor that has to be corrected for in surface temperature measurements over decades is the changing environment of the thermometers.  For example a thermometer that was in a grassy field in 1933 could now be in the middle of a concrete parking lot.  Concrete, asphalt, and buildings increase the temperature in their vicinity compared to grass and trees.

With the spreading of urban areas many of the temperature censors in the US have gone from rural areas to urban ones. Hence any correction would reduce current temperature readings to correct for the impact of concrete.

But when we examine the actual "corrections" that are applied we find that older temperatures are reduced and modern temperatures are increased. That's the exact opposite of what should be done.

However it's precisely what one would do if one wanted to create the impression of significant warming.

4) Data that doesn't need corrections doesn't show a significant warming trend.  Because of the issues related to correcting temperature data the NOAA established a new set of thermometers across America in 2005.  These new sensors were specifically located where there is no impact due to human construction.

Those sensors show no significant warming:

5) The "Hockey Stick" plot uses fudged data.  It turns out that the tree ring temperature proxy used in the HS plot show continued cooling after 1950. That conflicted with the message that the plot was supposed to send so it was excised.

That's not how science works; you don't simply hide data that doesn't support your hypothesis.

The fact that the tree ring data doesn't show any sudden temperature increase means one of two things; either the tree ring data isn't a good proxy for temperature which means the whole flat section of the plot is meaningless or the earth isn't warming.

Dendrochronologists have warned against using tree ring data as a temperature proxy because ring widths vary with a number of different parameters not just temperature.

Further we know that during the period the HS plot shows that the earth's temperature wasn't changing there were multiple periods when in fact the Earth warmed significantly.

The Climate Alarmists respond by saying that those increases were localized.  The problem with that is that the HC plot uses one tree as its only source for hundreds of years. If one tree can be considered a valid surrogate for the whole world then all of Europe and Greenland warming certainly can't simply be dismissed as a merely local effect.

6) The models aren't predicting the data:  The models didn't predict the Pause at all. But instead of saying the models assumptions are wrong Climate Alarmists simply said that there were mysterious but temporary forces at work that hid the inevitable heating.

That's not how science works.

But even ignoring the Pause the models show a significantly more rapid warming trend than the data does.

The reason the models do so is that they assume that it's not CO2 that is the driving factor but water vapor.  It turns out that CO2 is not that big of a greenhouse gas. The warming due to CO2 alone is fairly minor.  But the models assume that as CO2 goes up water vapor goes up and water vapor is a really powerful greenhouse gas.

But it turns out we're not seeing any increase in atmospheric water vapor so we shouldn't expect to see the greenhouse effect the models predict.  The data shows that in fact the models assumptions are wrong.

7) Climate Alarmists past predictions have all been wrong:  About 13 years ago Al Gore said we had 12 years to fix the problem or we'd be doomed. He's now extended that deadline.

The UN has said that we had till 2010 to fix global warming or whole nations will be wiped off the face of the earth.  Hasn't happened, isn't happening.

8) The rise of the oceans has been going on for centuries:  Long before human CO2 production became environmentally significant, according to climate alarmists, the oceans have been rising.

But in fact the rise has been steady for as long as we've been measuring it:

This isn't surprising given that we're coming out of a little ice age and we expect both warming and ocean level rise.

In fact the ocean depth has changed by huge amounts since the last ice age due to purely natural phenomena.

Oddly climate alarmist papers appear to be fudging the data.  This plot shows what a leading climate scientist from NASA and profound believer in climate change disaster showed as sea level rise in a 1982 paper and how in a 2019 NASA paper his data has all been moved up.  

Once again the data hasn't changed but the corrections have.  There's no other way to explain why the new analysis shows  significant ocean rise starting in the 1950s where the 1982 report showed no such thing.

9) Climate change is not causing more extreme weather events.  Here's a plot of Atlantic Hurricanes since 1851.  While there seems to be a short term increase near the present that increase is smaller than increases we see in the 19th century when human CO2 production, according to Climate Alarmists, wasn't significant enough to impact the climate.
Here's what the NOAA report says:

" there remains just a small nominally positive upward trend in tropical storm occurrence from 1878-2006. Statistical tests indicate that this trend is not significantly distinguishable from zero"

Yet Climate Alarmists and the media keep saying there have been more hurricanes in direct contradiction to the data.

There are a number of other ways to show that there is no scientific basis for declaring that there is an existential or near existential threat to humanity from human caused climate change.

But these few show why skepticism about claims that bring their authors lots of money and which enable politicians to increase their power over we the people isn't irrational.

Prior to the left latching onto the Green movement as a way to justify limiting human freedoms and transferring power to the government after the Communist dream had been debunked climate science was poorly funded and not considered an interesting scientific field.  

Now literally billions of dollars flow into the pockets of people who declare that the earth is melting due to evil mankind.

We know the politicians don't actually believe that since if they did Obama would have never bought ocean front property and they wouldn't have supported the Paris Accords.

It's a fair question to ask what's wrong about preparing for the worst. The answer is that Greens reject non-CO2 producing energy sources, like nuclear and hydro, that could actually be cost effective.  The much higher costs of solar and wind, when government subsidies are removed, is nothing less than a highly regressive tax on the poor.

The poor spend a much higher percentage of their income on energy than do the middle class or the rich. So drastically increasing energy costs hurts them significantly.

What can we say about the climate?

The Earth is warming as is expected because the current temperature is lower than the historical norms because we're coming out of an ice age.  There is no evidence the warming will cause any sort of catastrophic problems in the next 100 years.

It's unclear what fraction of the warming is due to human activity but it's clearly not the driver.

The climate models are all wrong and their assumptions need to be changed.

It's good to spend time and money investigating the climate and looking for how we should deal with what warming there is because the oceans are rising just not due to mankind.

But it's clearly wrong to panic and advocate massive government programs and reduced human quality of life and freedoms based on the data we have today.

Joseph Mengele the doctor of death at Auschwitz ended his life as an abortionist

It takes a certain kind of person to make their living by killing other people.

That's why abortionists tend to be the dregs of the medical profession. Abortion is a highly profitable business especially if the doctor has no problem killing for money.

Joseph Mengele was a doctor who performed horrible "experiments" on Jews in the Auschwitz concentration camp.  He managed to escape to Argentina after WWII where he supported himself by performing illegal abortions.

In doing so he was just continuing the Nazi plan which prohibited Aryan women from having abortions but which encouraged and pressured women the Nazi's considered to be inferior to abort and contracept.

Monday, April 27, 2020

#FakeNews media lies: Trump owes Chinese bank edition

Politico ran a completely fact free article last Friday alleging that Trump owes tens of millions of dollars to China.

They told this lie to try and protect Joe Biden from the fact that his son Hunter got a sweetheart deal from the Chinese communists after Joe brought Hunter along on an official visit to China when Joe was VP.

Here's the original headline; all that most people will ever read.

Later when Politico updated the piece it added the fact that the Chinese bank had sold the loan in 2012.

Not surprisingly even the "corrected" piece is wrong.

The loan in question is for a property at 1290 Avenue of the Americas in NYC.

Trump is a 30% owner of a limited partnership that owns the building.  The rest is owned by Tornado Realty Trust one of the largest commercial reality investors in America.

The money for the project came from a number of banks including one in China.  However those loans ended when the debt was converted into bonds which means that the China bank was only involved for a very short time.

More importantly Trump himself had nothing to do with the deal and the bonds are being managed by Wells Fargo.

Effectively no aspect of the Politico story was correct.

What is correct is that Hunter Biden stands to make millions from the Chinese communist government and that contrary to his promise he appears to still be on the board of the company funded with Chinese government money.

#FakeNews media Fake News: Pandemic response leader is a dog breeder

Multiple #FakeNews reports declared that the Trump administration picked a dog breeder to run the US pandemic task force.

It's true that Brian Harrison did for a short while owned a family business that raised Labradoodles.

However he's also held important jobs at HHS, the White House, and the Pentagon as well as having been a director at an independent public affairs company where he helped run its healthcare portfolio.

Now none of those sound like the best qualifications for running the countries response to a pandemic.

The problem is that Harrison wasn't running the effort.  He was an aid to HHS secretary Azar and then Vice President Pence.  His job wasn't setting priorities or defining what should be done but making sure everyone was available for meetings and other tasks necessary to ensuring that the experts, people like Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci, as well as the people who make the decisions, like VP Pence, have what they need to do their jobs.

That didn't stop multiple #FakeNews media sites lying about his real role.

China threatens economic war on Australia if Australia investigates Chinese handling of the China virus

Australia has called for China to explain how it so horribly bungled the handling of the China virus.

That makes sense in that if the corrupt fascist Chinese government hadn't covered up the disease, including "disappearing" people who were raising the alarm, the virus could have been contained and the whole world wouldn't be suffering.

But the mad monster who rules China, Xi Jinping, isn't the sort who likes being question.

The Chinese Ambassador to Australia has declared that Australia will face economic problems if they dare to question Beijing because Chinese tourists will shun Australia.  Given that the Chinese people do what the Chinese secret police tell them to do this is a direct threat by China.

It's time for us to stop acting as though Xi isn't a new Hitler and that while the Chinese people are good people their government is evil.

China lied and people died: Hong Kong freedom edition

Tens of thousands of people are dying around the world because the corrupt fascist Chinese communist tyrants led by the new mad Mao, Xi Jinping.

But Xi doesn't care he's too busy using the disaster to crush freedom in Hong Kong.

When Britain turned Hong Kong over to the mass murdering monsters in Beijing, Tiananmen square anyone?, they required China to commit to allowing Hong Kong certain freedoms denied to the vast majority of Xi's subjects.

Under cover of the pandemic Xi is moving to abrogate those agreements and impose his heavy handed totalitarian rule on the brave people of Hong Kong.

Proving that a broken clock is right twice a day the Washington Post has covered the story.

With the world distracted by the novel coronavirus pandemic, China has carried out a power grab in the former British colony, whose way of life it had pledged to preserve until 2047. In recent days, authorities have said for the first time that Beijing’s representative offices in the territory can “supervise” Hong Kong’s internal affairs – a step that legal experts say violates its constitutional firewall with the mainland. The Basic Law stipulates that the city should run its own affairs, including the police and immigration system, apart from defense and foreign relations.

Beijing officials also called for Hong Kong to introduce a national security law – shelved when an earlier attempt at its introduction sparked massive protests in 2003 – and reached further into the city’s legislature with attacks on pro-democracy lawmakers.

It's unlikely you'll hear Joe Biden talk about this since he's pretty clearly been bought by Xi.  A week after Hunter Biden accompanied his father to China on official business Hunter landed a deal that gave him 10% of a company that the Chinese government gave $1.5B to to invest.

Afterwards we find Biden on record defending China on many occasions.  When it came out that Hunter stood to make millions he announced that he'd resign his position in the company but it turns out that doesn't appear to have happened since he's still listed as being on the company's board.

Of course Hong Kong is only the tip of the iceberg of Xi's inhumane oppression of over 1 billion people.

We know that over 1,000,000 Uyghur muslims are in concentration camps in China.  There have been a steady stream of stories about China involuntarily harvesting organs from those prisoners.

Now there is some indication that the slaughter is being used to provide on demand organs for Chinese people who are suffering from the China virus.

It's time for the #FakeNews media to stop acting as if Xi isn't a new Hitler and start asking Joe Biden hard questions about his cheerleading for China.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Leftist insanity: Gun free zones edition

The left's beliefs are generally based on lies, fiction, or bias so it's not surprising that they think that declaring a zone to be "gun free" will actually reduce gun crimes.

For the idea of a "gun free" zone to work it would be necessary that legal, licensed gun owners regularly just started shooting things up.  Otherwise if we don't assume that's the case we have to assume that people who plan to use a gun to murder or rob will be deterred because they would have to break the law forbidding guns in the area.

Now that's crazy.  Apparently the left thinks that criminals who are about to murder or commit armed robbery will be deterred by the thought of breaking a law about illegally having a gun.

Given that 90% of criminals obtain their guns illegally it's pretty clear that they're not too concerned about gun control laws much less gun free zone laws.

To see the obvious problem with "gun free" zones let's look at the options.

One of two things will be true; a person brings a gun into the zone with the intent of using it or the person brings it into the zone with no intention of using it.

In the former case it's clear that a sign won't deter them.

In the later case we have clear evidence that honest gun owners aren't likely to just start randomly shooting so the "gun free" zone in no way reduces the chances of a crime being committed.

But it's worse than that.  If a criminal is going to use a gun in area that he doesn't know is gun free he knows that he could be facing armed victims.  Hence "gun free" zones essentially are inviting criminals by ensuring them that they won't face any resistance.

If someone has a gun in a "gun free" zone how will it be detected.  Once again there are two options either the gun will be detected when it's being used in a crime or it will be detected when it's still being carried.

Clearly if it's only spotted when it's being used the "gun free" sign did no good.

Now if there was evidence that criminals were unable to conceal their guns and they could be caught prior to their actually using the gun that could be an argument for "gun free" zones.

The problem is that it's easy to conceal a weapon and even if it wasn't most "gun free" zones aren't protected by armed guards who could safely secure a gun that is spotted. Instead if some teacher for example spots a guy with a gun what would most likely happen is that the loon would start shooting earlier.

The simple reality is that "gun free" zones really means "places where people can't defend themselves so they're easy targets" zones.

#FakeNews media lies: No spike in poison control calls due to Trump

A number of dishonest #FakeNews media reports have come out claiming that there has been a spike in calls to poison control after Trump said that it would be interesting if doctors could find a way to use disinfectants to kill of the China virus.

The first thing to note is that no reasonable person could hear what Trump said as suggesting that they swig Lysol.

Here's what Trump actually said:

"Question that probably some of you are thinking of if you're totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said, looking over to Bryan.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're gonna test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?"

He continued: "And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number, so it will be interesting to check that. So that you're going to have to use medical doctors. But it sounds, it sounds interesting to me. So we'll see.

"But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that's, that's pretty powerful."

First he posed it as a question not a suggestion.

Second he repeatedly talked about real doctors checking any such solution out.

Third he directly said that doing anything like this would require a doctor to say it was good and useful.

Fourth he never mentioned Lysol.

But the lying #FakeNews media and Democrat politicians have shouted out to the world that Trump actually said that people should swig Lysol.

That's why if anyone does do something that stupid it's the fault of Democrat politicians and the #FakeNews media not Trump.

But it turns out that there haven't been a spike of calls to poison control after Trump's comment.

The articles that claim otherwise cite two calls in Illinois which involve exposure to disinfectants or a few cases in other locations. No mention of them being either intentional or due to ingestion.  Further the articles provide exactly no information that the people making the calls had even heard what Trump had said or what the #FakeNews media falsely claimed what Trump said.

The reality is that there has been a very significant increase in calls to poison control about exposure to disinfectants since March. That makes sense because people are following what doctors really say about cleaning of surfaces which means they're using disinfects a lot more than they used to.

Once again the #FakeNews media lies about what Trump said and then lies about the consequences of the lie that they told.

They can't be trusted about anything.

Trump wasn't saying anything new: Doctors regularly inject medicine into people's lungs

A nurse who actually treats patients lets us know that injecting medicine into people's lungs is an often used procedure.

Hence Trump asking if we could do something like that is hardly absurd.

Here are the FACTS from a Respiratory Therapist who's responding to the spin that's being posted all over social media about the President using the word "disinfectant."

Stacey Shultz-Goodlin‎ ·
So as a Respiratory Therapist....I watched the clip about the "disinfectant that Trump talking about". People need to listen closely....and before I say this, I will tell you that I am not registered to vote and I don't vote. I am neutral. He is basically brain storming for an idea to help the lungs. He stated that the disinfectant kills the virus in one minute, so he proposed the question can we inject disinfectant (not Lysol), he used the word "disinfectant" the lungs, but that is for the doctors to figure out. Now a lay person like Trump will say disinfectant and a medical person would say "medicine". Medicine dumped into the lungs happens all the time! I personally have dumped respiratory medicine down an Endotracheal tube directly into the lungs. When babies are born prematurely, guess what? Yes we "inject" the lungs with a medicine called surfactant that helps keep the alveoli open to oxygenate the lungs. Antibiotics are sometimes injected into infected parts of lungs through a chest tube. So what I want the general public to know, is that we do "inject" medicine into peoples lungs, that yes act like a disinfectant (antibiotics), so why is everyone in uproar over this? If you are a lay person and don't understand what he said then ask a medical person. His statement was so twisted around and misinterpreted, and this is coming from a Respiratory Therapist that has injected medicine in peoples lungs. Lysol brand has perpetrated misinformation and panicked the general public who doesn't know anything about lungs. And Trump never used the word "Lysol". So why did Lysol brand think he was talking about them, that's narcissistic on their part. Why would Lysol brand embrace that? they look ignorant. So people, yes we do inject medicine into the lungs! This is why people need to know the facts and stop panicking people.”

What's interesting is that by lying to us about what Trump actually said the #FakeNews media is responsible for anyone who hurts themselves by doing what the #FakeNews media incorrectly said Trump said.

Yet they will blame Trump for any people who are stupid enough to swig Lysol.

The #FakeNews media covers for Joe Biden: Tara Reade edition

Recently evidence cooperating Tara Reade's claim that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her has turned up in the form of a video of her mother calling CNN's Larry King live show at the time when Tara had told her mother about the assault.

Back in April 1993 shortly after Tara said she told her mother of the assault her mother called CNN and asked what steps her daughter could take, short of calling the cops, to deal with the actions of a powerful Senator.

This provides powerful cooperation to Tara's claim that she was assaulted but she said nothing because she didn't want to hurt Biden whose politics she admired.

For some reason within days of this new evidence appearing Google Play has removed the episode of CNN Larry King Live from their catalog.  Even odder they've renumbered the episodes to make it appear that no episodes are missing.

The above tweet has apparently been removed because it may be the case that CNN didn't remove the video.  But someone who is desperate to protect Biden surely did.

Clearly someone is desperate to protect Biden.

This doesn't mean that Biden is guilty but it does show how the left protects its own by lying and or concealing information.

Which is why you can never trust the #FakeNews media.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Democrat racism: Censuring a Black State Representative in Michigan for thanking Trump for helping save her life

Female Black Democrat State Representative Kate Whitsett thanked Trump for saying that hydroxychoroquine might work against the China virus.

Because of his very public comments her doctor tried the drug on her and her husband who were very sick and within hours they recovered.

Because she's not a Nancy Pelosi Whitsett thanked the President.

But that enraged Democrats in Michigan so much that they're going to censure her.

Which means that the 13th Congressional District Democrat Party Organization won't endorse her next election.

Clearly this proves what conservatives have been saying: the Democrat party is like organized crime; you either do what the boss says or you pay the price.

Note that Whitsett didn't endorse Trump for president, say he's been a great leader, or say that Democrats are lying scum.

She just thanked Trump for pushing a concept that ended up saving her life.

Apparently the Democrat party would rather that Whitsett have died than give Trump credit.

Well that's not really fair. What is true is that Democrats think it's bad to thank someone for saving your life if that would reduce Democrat's ability to get power.

Democrats hate you and want you to be defenseless: California gun control edition

If Democrat politicians were honest patriotic Americans they'd use the process defined in the Constitution to eliminate our right to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves.

But since they're not their strategy is to pass so many laws that make it hard to own a gun so that only the rich can defend themselves.  It's no accident that the big guns behind gun control, think Bloomberg, often have armed security guards.

One example of how California leftists want to effectively deprive Californians of their constitutional right for self defense is a law passed a law requiring a background check for buying ammunition.  Given that without a gun ammunition is pretty useless the clear intent of this law was to make it hard for Californians to exercise their Constitutional right to protect themselves.

The reality is that while the police in California are dedicated folks who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect citizens they're often, through no fault of their own, minutes away when help is needed in seconds.

Requiring a background check when someone purchases a gun is burdensome but not unduly so since people don't buy guns regularly.  But demanding that same background check, which the citizen has to pay for, every time they buy ammunition is highly burdensome.

Fortunately a same judge got the case and said:

Together, the background check requirement for all ammunition purchases in California and the anti-importation provisions that prohibit direct sales to residents often effect a complete statutory barrier to the lawful purchase of ammunition. Moreover, the provisions are interlocking and derive from the same section of Proposition 63. See §§ 8.1 through 8.16. The anti-importation provisions are not severable from the ammunition background check requirements. Even if only one part was unconstitutional both parts would need to be enjoined. But severability does not matter here, as both parts fail constitutional muster and require injunctive relief….

Law-abiding citizens are imbued with the unalienable right to keep and bear firearms along with the ammunition to make their firearms work. That a majority today may wish it were otherwise, does not change the Constitutional right. It never has. California has tried its unprecedented experiment. The casualties suffered by law abiding citizens have been counted. Presently, California and many other states sit in isolation under pandemic-inspired stay-at-home orders. Schools, parks, beaches, and countless non-essential businesses are closed. Courts are limping by while police make arrests for only the more serious crimes. Maintaining Second Amendment rights are especially important in times like these. Keeping vigilant is necessary in both bad times and good, for if we let these rights lapse in the good times, they might never be recovered in time to resist the next appearance of criminals, terrorists, or tyrants.

California Democrats want you unsafe and insecure so that you have no choice but to turn to the government and give up your freedoms in return for safety.

Governor Cuomo and saving one life

It's hard to imagine anything more ridiculous than Cuomo saying/implying that he'll keep New York shut down to save one life when he says that unborn babies can be aborted right up through when they're being delivered.

No sane person questions the humanity, or the ability to feel pain, of a baby at term who is actually in the process of being born.  But Cuomo spearheaded the successful effort of New York Democrats to make killing that baby legal for any reason.

Clearly Cuomo's attachment to human life is very loose at best.

Yet now he's destroying the lives of everyone in New York by apparently refusing to take into account the lives that will be lost if he shuts the state down forever.

Based on his statements he will shut NY down forever because the simple reality is that the China virus won't go away and any vaccine or cure won't be 100% effective.

Hence when people go out some are going to die.

But people are going to die due to the collapse of the economy in New York. Based on data we have on the relationship between unemployment and deaths due to suicide/drug use if unemployment hits 32% around 77,000 people are going to die.

Prorating that to the population of New York that tells us that if America doesn't get back to work about 4400 New York state residents will die.

But Cuomo knows that the longer the shutdown goes on the more power he'll have and the more likely it is that Joe Biden will be elected President.

If one were cynical one might almost think that Cuomo cares more about power than about the people of New York.

The reality is simple; young healthy people are no more at risk from the China virus than they are from the flu.

We should be opening up the country in a responsible way by letting healthy people out while providing support for those who are at higher risk to avoid getting infected.

But Democrats like Cuomo seemingly aren't buying into that common sense position.  Oddly by doing so they think they're making their political future's rosier.

The original Star Trek is the only Star Trek

CNN provides evidence that Biden did sexually assault Tara Reade

It's not a smoking gun but an old Larry King Live show provides evidence that corroborates Tara Reade's claim that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her.

Reade said that she'd told her mother about the incident and that her mother, a staunch feminist, called up Larry King's show to ask about what her daughter could do.

Well that call has turned up.  CNN apparently either didn't bother to look for it or if they did they didn't bother to report on it but the Media Research Center did.

While the call was anonymous it came from where Reade's mother lived at the time, it described an aid to a Senator having to resign due to the Senators actions, it said that the victim didn't want to hurt the Senator, and it happened at the time that Reade has said that she told her mother.

The call doesn't mention sexual assault but we need to remember that until recently Reade hadn't wanted to share that because she put Joe Biden's work for leftist causes ahead of justice.

She told people that she didn't go to the police out of respect for Biden.

One more example of how the #MeToo movement is bogus; leftist women prioritize Democrats getting power over reporting crimes.

There's no way that Reade could have set this call up since it occurred long before she made any charges against Biden.

What's interesting is how the #FakeNews media is treating her claim compared to how they treated the claims against Justice Kavanaugh.

Only one of the women who accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct was even remotely credible but even her story lacked any details and was refuted by one of her lifelong friends who was allegedly present at the attack.

Yet the media, including CNN, went all in declaring that she must be believed.

Now that we have a woman accusing Joe Biden though all we hear is about how Democrats are "grappling" with the problem.

"Grappling" is #FakeNews media speak for trying to figure out how to hide the whole thing so that Joe can get away with sexually assaulting a subordinate.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Pelosi tells two lies in one sentence:probably not a new record

So first off Trump didn't say that people should inject Lysol into their lungs. He speculated that it would be nice if somehow we could weaponize our new found knowledge about China virus weakness to help people with the disease.

I'm a physicist.  I see nothing wrong with saying gee wouldn't it be cool if we could use this knowledge to fight this disease.

Now if he had actually said inhale Lysol he'd be a danger to society. But that's not what he said.

Pelosi's first Big Lie then is saying that Trump said people should put Lysol in their lungs when in fact he said it would be nice if we could somehow use disinfectants and light to fight China virus.

Then she goes on to tell another Big Lie about Mitch McConnell.  Mitch never said that the states should go bankrupt due to China virus. What he said was that if states go bankrupt due to fiscal mismanagement--as is the case in Democrat run CA, Il, and NY--the citizens of the rest of the country have no obligation to bail them out.

You'll be hearing a lot of this Big Lie in the future because Illinois is on the verge of bankruptcy and isn't even paying its bills.  Thats because Democrats have been running the state for years.  Similarly NY is $137B in debt and CA owes between $200 and 900 billion to its pension funds.  

Margret Thatcher once said that socialism works until the government runs out of other people's money.  Those Democrat destructed states are approaching the limit of what they can squeeze out of their citizens but they don't want to face the music for their actions. 

Hence Democrats are laying the ground work for making you pay for the bad choices Democrat politicians have made in those states.

Pelosi's second Big Lie, in one sentence, was that Mitch was saying that states should go bankrupt because of China virus.

#FakeNews media lies about Trump: disinfectant edition

The #FakeNews media is in the business of selling doom and despair and blaming Trump for everything because their only purpose in life is helping Joe Biden and other Democrats getting elected.

At a news conference where Drs reported results of a study that showed that light, heat, and disinfectants can kill the China virus Trump speculated on how it would be great if we could some how get those agents in the human body in order to kill the virus.

He said:

"Question that probably some of you are thinking of if you're totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it," Trump said, looking over to Bryan.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're gonna test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?"

He continued: "And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number, so it will be interesting to check that. So that you're going to have to use medical doctors. But it sounds, it sounds interesting to me. So we'll see.

"But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that's, that's pretty powerful."

He didn't say that people should inject bleach or alcohol into their bodies. The most biased against him interpretation is that he might have said medical professionals should investigate the possibility.

The reality is that Trump isn't a scientist and in his intense desire to help those suffering from the China virus he said what a lot of Americans would have said; if these factors kill the virus is there some way we can use them safely in the body to kill the virus?

That's not a stupid question. Now if doctors said no and Trump then said people should do that at home that would be wrong but contrary to the spin being applied by the #FakeNews media that's not what he said.

Yet here's a Washington Post headline which deliberately tries to make it seem that Trump was suggesting people do something that would hurt themselves.

"Trump asked if disinfectants could be injected to kill coronavirus inside the body. Doctors answered: ‘People will die.’"

Clearly the WaPo was hoping to repeat the Big Lie that Trump was responsible for the death of the man who ate fish tank cleaner because the cleaner contained a chemical that Trump said might work against COVID19.  Of course the cleaner contained other chemicals that were toxic so even if Trump had said that people should try and take the drug without a doctor prescribing it--which he didn't-- the man's death would still be the man's, and only the man's, fault.

No lie is to egregious or fantastical for the #FakeNews media to tell if they think it will hurt Trump.

UPDATE: Here's a link to a site which discusses using UV light to kill bacteria and viruses in the lungs. So Trump's statement wasn't wrong at all.  Now this may not be a magic cure but it's not just Trump whose asking what is really an obvious question; can we weaponize our new knowledge about the vulnerabilities of the China virus to help people.

Not asking that question is a sign of not caring.  Condemning that question is a sign of hating Trump and not caring about Americans.

Beware of bioethicists: Many are Nazi like in their disdain for human life

Not all bioethicists are bad.  If you want advice on end of life issues go to the National Catholic BioEthics Center; they have trained staff waiting to help you do what's right.

But most if not all secular bioethicists are dangerous at best. They tend to define ethical is whatever saves the government and families money.

The most recent example of why you can't trust them is that Princeton Professor Peter Singer--a rock star in the bioethics world--has said that molesting a mentally disabled person isn't that big a deal because they don't know what's going on.

The case is about a Rutgers bioethicist, Anna Stubblefield, assaulted a thirty year old man with cerebral palsy, DJ.  She claimed to have managed to get DJ to talk, he'd never said a word in his life, using a highly controversial technique called "facilitated communication" which involved holding his hands while he allegedly typed.

Stubblefield then announced that DJ had said that he was in love with her. They married and consummated the marriage.  The jury thought otherwise and Stubblefield was sentenced to 12 years in prison for sexual assault.

Irrespective of your opinion about that Peter Singer's position on the issue is morally horrifying.

In an editorial in the New York Times, where else?, Singer and coauthor Jeff McMahan said:

“If we assume,” they write, “that he is profoundly cognitively impaired, we should concede that he cannot understand the normal significance of sexual relations between persons or the meaning and significance of sexual violation. In that case, he is incapable of giving or withholding informed consent…”

Now moral people would conclude from that that in fact a serious violation of DJ's rights had occurred.

After all isn't the whole idea of statutory rape that a mentally mature adult taking advantage of a person whose mental faculties aren't yet fully developed and hence is incapable of fully informed consent is a heinous crime?

But that's not what Singer thought.

The op-ed goes on to say that since DJ probably enjoyed the experience it wasn't that serious of a crime and that the sentence was too severe.

This is consistent with previous proclamations by Singer that animals are equal if not better than people:

“To give preference to the life of a being simply because that being is a member of our species would put us in the same position as racists who give preference to those who are members of their race.”

Singer also supports infanticide since in his mind babies aren't persons.  

For me, the knowledge that my [hypothetical Down] child would not be likely to develop into a person whom I could treat as an equal, in every sense of the word, who would never be able to have children of his or her own, who I could not expect to grow up to be a fully independent adult, and with whom I could expect to have conversations about only a limited range of topics would greatly reduce my joy in raising my child and watching him or her develop.

“Disability” is a very broad term, and I would not say that, in general, “a life with disability” is of less value than one without disability. Much will depend on the nature of the disability.

But let’s turn the question around, and ask why someone would deny that the life of a profoundly intellectually disabled human being is of less value than the life of a normal human being. Most people think that the life of a dog or a pig is of less value than the life of a normal human being.

On what basis, then, could they hold that the life of a profoundly intellectually disabled human being with intellectual capacities inferior to those of a dog or a pig is of equal value to the life of a normal human being? This sounds like speciesism to me, and as I said earlier, I have yet to see a plausible defence of speciesism. After looking for more than forty years, I doubt that there is one.

Given that Singer is a highly respected figure in the bioethics community tells us just why we should never trust a word that they say.

Like the Nazi's Singer and many others bioethicists judge the value of human life based on its utility.

Americans on the other hand follow our Declaration of Independence that states that all people are of value simply because they are people.

Gov. Cuomo wants to be philanthropic with your money: NY pays more than it gets edition

Day in and day out Democrat politicians and #FakeNews media types demand that you pay more taxes.

That's their contribution to helping the poor; they keep their wealth for themselves.

Essentially those folks want to be philanthropic with your money.

While conservative religious people give far more of their own money and time to help those in need leftists crow about how much they care.

The reality is it's not "charitable" to demand that other people pay taxes that are laundered through a grossly overpaid government work force and that finally trickle down to those in need.

If we take the total amount we spend on the poor and divided by the number of poor people we find that the poor should be making a fortune. But they're not.

Why?  Because government workers who get paid far more than you take up a big chunk of your tax dollars that are supposedly helping the poor.

How does this relate to Cuomo's latest whining about how NY sends more dollars to the Federal government than they get back while the situation in Kentucky is the opposite?

The answers is that the reason NY pays more is that NY is richer.

The average salary in New York State is $92,813. The average salary in Kentucky is $47,029.

Democrats like Cuomo constantly harp on how the rich should pay more. They support America's highly progressive tax code and they constantly demand that you pay more taxes.

Yet now Cuomo is complaining that New York, full of richer people, pays more to the Federal Government than it gets back while Kentucky, which has poorer people, gets more from the Federal Government than it pays in.

This either shows that Cuomo is ill informed or that he too is lying about his concern for the poor.

The fact that NY pays more than it gets while Kentucky pays less than it gets is precisely the sort of attack on income inequality that Cuomo is always saying he endorses.

But the reality is that due to Cuomo's mismanagement of NY finances the state is $137B in debt; that was before the China virus hit.  He views the whole COVID19 episode as a way to get the rest of America to get him out of his fiscal bind.

The bottom line is that Cuomo, like most Democrat politicians, is not too eager to give his money, or his states, to help the poor. Rather he wants to pass laws that take your money and give it to those who he thinks deserve it.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Disney furloughs workers but still pays managers huge bonuses

It's not unreasonable that Disney is furlough 50% of its workforce since it's closing its parks.

However what is something that stinks is that they will continue to give top managers a total of $1.5 billion in bonuses, three months of pay for those workers being laid off.

This is the sort of "capitalism" that modern conservatives reject. Long gone are the days when anyone support unrestricted capitalism where rich robber barons could break unions and exploit workers.

While this isn't something that the government should "fix" we the people should shame Disney and possibly boycott it if it goes through with this.

After all if Trump can shame Harvard, with its $40 billion dollar endowment, into not taking money meant for colleges in need who knows maybe we can get Disney to at least freeze bonuses and set up a fund for workers.

An interesting question however is with business tanking why are mangers getting bonuses?  Sure COVID19 isn't their fault but small businesses across America are sacrificing management perks to keep loyal employee's working so why isn't Disney doing that?

Ocasio-Cortez says that people who could work but who don't want to should be supported by you

A key part of AOC's Green New Deal was that people who could work but who didn't want to should be supported by your tax dollars.

Why?  Well because she believes that those folks would then vote Democrat.

Now she's calling on Americans to not go back to work if they can due to a relaxing of the China Lied Virus shutdown.

Here's what AOC said:

"When we talk about this idea of reopening society, you know, only in America does the president -- when the president tweets about liberation -- does he mean go back to work. When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say 'no' — we’re not going back to that,” she said.

“We’re not going back to working 70-hour weeks just so that we could put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives.”

Remember that AOC complained that $160K a year wasn't enough to live on.

AOC, like most Democrats, thinks that we can just print money and that no one has to work; that food and iPhones will just magically appear in stores.

She's essentially advocating that the responsible folk, the ones who work hard, should be taxed to subsidize the lazy drug users that make up a significant portion of the Democrat base, but thankfully a small fraction of all people who vote Democrat.

It's disgusting how Democrats like AOC, Sanders, Biden, and Warren want to force you to work 70 hour weeks so you can afford to live and pay your taxes so that Democrat voters can live a great life without having to work.

Politicians care about government workers not you

With millions of Americans out of work due to China's lies state Governors are demanding more of your tax dollars to make sure that no government workers lose their jobs.

This is not surprising given how Democrats told us that partially shutting down the government for a few weeks was intolerable but now they're saying that if people can go back to work they shouldn't.

Governor Cuomo said that people who are out of work should get jobs in "essential" sectors. Oddly all government employees are considered essential.

What this is is a way for Governors who have financially mismanaged their states to get you to foot the bill for fixing their mess.

Democrat governors of fiscally irresponsible states like California and Illinois were furious that the tax laws were changed so that the rich could only deduct $10,000 of state taxes.  With the old system taxpayers in Texas were subsidizing the profligate spending of Democrats in Illinois and California.

Oh and by the way don't buy the lie that California is in good fiscal shape. Not only are the state's revenues highly dependent on a few thousand uber rich people it turns out that the state is between $200 to $800 billion short on funding its pension plans.

Of course the governors are saying that without half a trillion of your dollars they may have to cut essential services.

What they're doing is blackmailing you. They'll stop essential services, but not unessential ones, if you don't give them more money.

For example one time the local libraries lost a bond measure. They responded by drastically cutting hours but they didn't fire any employees.  Basically government is an extortion racket in cases like this.  Unlike private sector workers who have little job security and none if their company is having financial problems government workers never get fired no matter how incompetent they are or how unessential their jobs are.

But since government workers always come out to support politicians, usually Democrats, those politicians make sure that they get as much of your money as they want.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The left hates homeschooling because they want to hijack your kids

Because leftists are generally more selfish than conservatives they tend to have fewer kids.

Instead they spend their money on themselves which means that conservatives pay for the next generation.  While leftists like those at Harvard are eager to take our children and indoctrinate them into leftist lies they're unwilling to spend the over $200K it takes to raise a child to age 17 themselves.

That's why Harvard is holding a conference on the evils of home schooling.  By avoiding the indoctrination mills that the left has set up in public schools--which condemn religion and endorse hedonism--home schooled kids escape the clutches of the left.

The left has to lie repeatedly about home schooling in order to cover their real motive of indoctrination.

For example a leftist Harvard Professor has written:

“homeschooling violates children’s right to a meaningful education and their right to be protected from potential child abuse,” and that parents have “authoritarian control over their children.”

Which is clearly absurd. Essentially it's saying that while parents don't have a right to decide how their children are educated rich Harvard Professors have the right to decide how other people's children are educated.  A quick search provided no evidence of that professor having any children of her own which explains her desire to hijack your kids for her ends.

It turns out that homeschooled kids do better academically than kids in public school.

Sure there are some cases where children are abused but oddly the fact that hundreds of public school teachers in Pennsylvania alone are accused of child molestation each year hasn't caused Harvard to demand the public schools be closed.

Of course the most amazingly ironic facts is that in an illustration for the article the word  "arithmetic" was misspelled.

Just as Stalin and Hitler worked hard to brainwash the youth in their countries rich white leftists in America are working hard to steal your children and convert them into mind numbed leftist robots.

It's no accident that the left calls allowing inner city Black kids to pick what school they go to racist. After all a educated Black is much less likely to buy into Democrat lies than a poorly educated Black is.

The truth is that the left is selfish but knows it needs the masses to support their totalitarian agenda.  Hence they're trying to brainwash your children.

New York Times lies about Fox News: Nothing new edition

The New York Times has blamed Fox News for the death of Joe Joyce.

Joyce liked Fox News and he took a cruise.

He later died of the China virus.

We don't know where he contracted the virus but the Times is blaming Fox News because Hannity was saying that the virus wasn't as bad as we now know it to be.

There are a number of problems with this. The first is that Hannity said that on March 9th 8 days after Joyce had already left on his cruise.

Unless Joyce was a psychic who could see the future Hannity's words couldn't have had any role in his decision to go on a cruise.

Secondly at the time Dr. Fauci said that taking a cruise wasn't a huge risk for a young person in good health.

Thirdly pretty much every Democrat at the time was saying that Trump was overreacting; for example Joe Biden said that Trump's travel restrictions in China were "xenophobic".

But the most amazing thing is that the reporter who wrote the Big Lie about FoxNews was saying that the virus wasn't a major risk before Joyce got on that cruise ship:

In her defense due to China lying most people thought that the virus wouldn't be as horrible as it turned out to be at the time.  But clearly she's dishonest since she expects us to forgive her her mistake while lying about how Shawn Hannity is responsible for Joyce's death.

The essential fact that we must understand is that the NYT will tell any lie if it helps Democrats.

Right now the Times is facing a huge problem. All the radical socialist Democrats like Joe Biden, who is now endorsing the Green New Deal, who the Times loves were horribly wrong about the virus and Trump was right.

Since the only thing the Times cares about is ensuring that leftists get elected so that they can control every aspect of your life, from what your religion teaches to what sort of straws you use, they have to lie over and over to try and fool you into thinking that Trump's at fault and that if they'd been in power Democrats would have done better.

The simple truth is that if the NYT says that the sky is blue don't believe it until you go outside and check for yourself.

The greedy left: Harvard edition

Harvard has an endowment of $40 billion. That works out to close to $600,000 per undergraduate.

Yet they are going to keep the $9 million they got from the $14B that the relief bill provided for colleges.

Apparently socialism is something that Harvard preaches but doesn't practice.  There are probably hundreds, if not thousands, of small colleges with tiny endowments who need more money yet Harvard, to which $9M is pocket change, is going to keep the taxpayers money it received.

This is typical of the left. They constantly argue that others should be more altruistic while practicing greed themselves.

From Hollywood types who film in Canada where it's cheaper to leftist billionaires who use ever tax exemption they can find and push for more but who call for higher tax rates when push comes to shove they want you to pay for their philanthropy.

When the left is "generous" it's often for political causes not people.  For example with millions of Americans in financial distress did Hollywood hold a fundraiser for them?  No but they did hold one for the WHO which has colluded with China and is partially responsible for the fact that we're facing a pandemic.

UPDATE: Due to Trump shaming them Harvard has agreed to not get the money.  Something that Stanford and other prestigious universities did without being threatened with bad publicity.

Bicycle helmets, the China Virus, and faith

Since WWII America has enjoyed a historically unprecedented growth in individual wealth.

"Poor" people in America live better than the middle class in most other countries.

The middle class in America live like the rich in most of the rest of the world.

Due to great advances in medicine we live longer and better than any other people in the history of the world.

That ease of life tends to make us forget that we will all die.

Every Good Friday the Catholic Church ponders the 4 last things; Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell.

But many in American society, mostly on the left, ignore the reality that we will all die.

The glitterati, the #FakeNews media, Democrat politicians, Instagram influencers, etc all act as though they will live forever. They talk about this or that lifestyle allowing them to live 130 years.

They take drastic measures to attempt to eliminate any risk.

Back in the 1960/70s kids didn't wear helmets when riding a bike and they didn't wear seatbelts, much less sit in car seats, when they went for a drive.

People weren't uncaring they just took risk in stride; and they didn't have the money for things that weren't really essential.

It's not a bad thing that we can now afford bicycle helmets, seatbelts, and car seats but it is bad if we act as though we will live forever.

If people live their lives not preparing for their deaths but rather fixated on what makes them happy now, ie hedonism, they will be desperate to avoid death at any cost.

That's not possible. We will all die; unless the world ends first. :)

More importantly living for what feels good now, whether it's casual exploitive sex or spending money on oneself rather than helping the poor, ensures that we fail to become people who are comfortable with how they've lived.

The guy who dies with lots of toys doesn't win since in the end when faced with death those toys are of no value whatsoever.

Rather the person who has lived a life of charity, compassion, and love of others can serenely face death knowing that they made good use of the life God gave them.

Even honest people who don't believe in God will have to admit that in the end how they feel about themselves depends on if they've lived good lives rather than selfish ones.

Given that the reality is that whether we live 30 years or 130 years as we're dying it will have seemed that our life was a mere blink of the eye long it's clear that living as God commands, loving Him and loving our neighbors, is what will matter in the end.

Contrary to the belief of those who reject God God's laws aren't His way of showing who's boss. Rather they're the "owner's manual" for life that people often ask for.  Every sin hurts us in this life and the next.  For example sexual promiscuity leads to physical disease and emotional trauma in this life.

But because leftists tend to bank on hedonism rather than God they are willing to take drastic steps to protect their health in the face of COVID19.

Of course it doesn't hurt that leftists aren't losing their jobs as much as conservatives are since they tend to work for the government, academia, or be on welfare.

No matter what we do people are going to die because China lied.  But Democrat politicians and their propaganda arm, the #FakeNews media, are already blaming Trump for that.

The best way to deal with this pandemic, or any pandemic, is to take reasonable precautions, which Trump is doing, but more importantly prepare yourself for death.

At every moment be able to look at your life and not be ashamed of it.  If you've messed up, and who hasn't, take steps to ensure that that never happens again and to the extent possible undo the damage you've caused.

Perfection isn't required but love is. Love for others and love for God.