Thursday, April 30, 2020

China virus reinfection probably isn't a problem

A new study out of South Korea has concluded that the reason that people who've had the virus test as positive after they recover is because the test for the virus will show a positive result if fragments of the virus, incapable of causing disease, linger in the patients body.

This is great news since it means that over time we will develop herd immunity; enough people are immune to the disease that it won't spread.

This is also a good reason to reopen society for the young and healthy; where young is <60 .="" p="">
We already know that people under 60 without preexisting conditions aren't at high risk from the China virus.  In fact the average age of people who are dying in the US and in Italy as well as other countries is 70.

Hence opening up society for the young and healthy will expose them to the China virus, they'll get it , many won't have any symptoms, some will have flu like symptoms, and they'll become immune to the virus.

People over 65 make up about 16% of the US population. We need about 80% of the population to have immunity for the herd immunity effect, the virus doesn't spread because the people who are exposed to a sick person are immune, so if we get the young exposed we'll be either at herd immunity levels or very close to them which would mean that the elderly and those with preexisting conditions would be much less likely to catch the China virus even if we don't have a cure or a vaccine.

It's time to be rational and take into account the huge cost in human life, due to suicides and drug use, of putting tens of millions of young healthy Americans out of work and start opening society back up.

We still need social distancing at some level. We still need special shopping hours and special accommodations for the elderly and those with preexisting conditions. But we don't need to put the 84% of the population for which the China virus is no worse than a bad flu season in jail in perpetuity.

Democrats want to do that because they think they can get more power by blaming Trump for an economic disaster. Democrats were hoping for a recession so that they could beat Trump in November and now that the China virus has given them an excuse they're doing everything they can to make you poor.

Democrats are already blaming Trump for every death and they've made it clear that they will blame him for every death if the country opens up. In neither case will they credit him for the lives his actions have saved; remember that the initial death tolls were projected to be above 1 million.

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