Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Climate Science for real people

All you need to know to realize that the media are lying to you is this: Every single climate model has been shown, based on real world data, to be wrong.

Every single climate model predicted steadily rising temperatures for the last 18 years but even climate nuts admit the temperature has stayed constant.

The way science works is the following:

1) We make a guess about why something works the way it does
2) We create models or formulas that predict how things should behave if our guess is right
3) We compare those predictions to data:
       a) If the predictions match the data we have reason to believe our guess is right
       b) If the predictions don't match the data we know our guess was wrong

Here's what the models for man made global warming predict vs what we see

Given that the models predictions are wrong, though a few models are still within the statistical limit based on their errors, we know for a fact that the assumptions in those models were wrong and that the assumptions in those models, that man made C02 is causing the earth to warm in a particular way, are wrong.  Now it may be that further studies could show that something man is doing is impacting the climate but remember:


Last summer some folks wrote a paper claiming the earth has in fact warmed in the last 18 years. Aside from the fact it only addressed one set of temperature measurements and other sets of measurements show that temperatures haven't gone up there are other huge problems with the study:

1) The study is basically saying that for more than 18 years all the same climate scientists who we are supposed to now trust have gotten the temperature records all wrong.  Apparently now they are new and improved scientists.

2) The "fix" to the data essentially lowers all measurements before 18 years ago and raises all temperatures after 18 years ago. The chance that honest calibration errors would result in such a fortuitous situation just before a major climate conference is vanishingly small

3) The authors of the paper have a direct financial and career interest in keeping the global warming scare alive; no climate change fears and the funding for climate scientists falls through the floor.

One last note; the man who gave a speech in Paris saying that mass shootings like the one in Colorado only happen in the US also says that the climate change is real and that it's the cause of Islamic terrorism.

1 comment:

Kyrathyel said...

It is not about climate change, it is about any excuse to destroy the human race, except for a few who plan to be cyborgs. They saw "Star Trek; The Next Generation" and became obsessed with being Borg themselves. The true decision makers really hate the human race. They want us dead, and themselves to live forever as cyborgs. And each and everyone of them believes that they will be the King of the Borg. They are psychopaths.