Tuesday, July 2, 2019

NASA faking data to support global warming

For a long time NASA has been adjusting data to show that the earth is warming. The problem was that the unadjusted data showed that the warming was nothing more than an artifact of the adjustments.

So now NASA has gone and adjusted the "unadjusted" data to ensure that it shows warming.

This is entirely unethical from a scientific perspective and shows that ideology, not science, is driving NASA's agenda.

It would be fine for NASA to have issued a new adjusted data set but it's a violation of scientific standards to adjust a data set and then claim it's not adjusted.

Here's an example of how NASA changed a cooling trend into a robust warming trend:

The red data is the truly unadjusted temperature measurements and the blue is the adjusted "unadjusted" temperature measurements.

The government "science" complex are lying to you so as to encourage you to support higher taxes, higher energy costs, bigger government, and more power for politicians.


Anne C. said...

Remember the East Anglia (England) emails that were released years ago? (I copied all of them to an old computer!) They show proof that the infamous "hockey stick" graph promoted by Al Gore and his buddies was completely fabricated!

I am younger than Al Gore. When I was in college in the early '70s, the whole mantra was "Global Cooling!" Maybe it's Alzheimer's ...

trinko said...

There's a whole book out that talks about the hockey stick being a fraud. It even contains comments from warmists who say that the hockystick is wrong.
